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Narcolepsy Dangers


Submitted By jdlara21
Words 345
Pages 2
Have you ever fallen asleep at the wheel? What about at football practice, or at work? Narcolepsy is a disorder that causes extreme sleepiness at all times of the day, and can also cause one to fall asleep at any given moment. Narcolepsy is a dangerous, inconvenient but treatable disorder. There are many dangers in this disorder. There have been many deaths by someone falling asleep randomly behind the wheel of a car, some due to exhaustion or old age, a lot due to the driver suffering from narcolepsy. Others have had their social lives ruined, narcolepsy being a disease many can’t understand and so have been abandoned by family and friends. Without these essential social skills, life would become increasingly difficult in their future. While dangerous, narcolepsy is also extremely inconvenient to have. Finding out you have narcolepsy is a challenge in itself, from what I have read through personal stories and recounts. Then comes the bills from the doctor appointments, and the medication. When a person diagnosed with narcolepsy then tries to work to pay off said bills, they find themselves sleeping 14-17 hours a day, and then falling asleep at work. This begins a vicious cycle. However, there IS treatment for narcolepsy. Xyrem helps those suffering from this disorder get a better nights sleep. Amphetamine-like drugs are used to help get rid of all the symptoms as a whole, if only temporarily. Stimulants give users the energy to get through the day. While most of these are not the healthiest options, there is treatment for narcolepsy and it is not a hopeless cause. Even if narcolepsy is not the most dangerous disorder, it is still an extreme danger to many. The dangers of this disorder are too extreme to ignore. Many of the people diagnosed with narcolepsy go on to be miserable most of their lives, due to not being able to work properly, think properly, and most of the time their body does not even function properly. Without the proper medication, people may suffer from this disorder forever.

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