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September 11


Submitted By skierrob02
Words 640
Pages 3
Written Assignment 5 September 11, 2001 began as any normal morning. However, it turned out to be one of the most devastating memories to be etched into the minds of every American citizen forever. On that Tuesday morning, terrorists hijacked four commercial airline planes. The hijackers intentionally crashed two of these planes into the North and South towers of the World Trade Center in New York City, New York, and flew one directly into the United States Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia. According to the terrorists’ scheme, the fourth plane was en route to crash into the United States Capitol Building in Washington, D.C. A few brave passengers sacrificed their lives and thwarted this mission. These evil acts resulted in massive devastation and the loss of nearly 3,000 lives. After the realization of what had just happened, an astounding number of the American populous felt a need to do something; they volunteered. Each volunteer’s reason for helping was very personal and unique. These motivations included: civic duty, moral obligation, and patriotism. During the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks, many police men and women, firefighters, paramedics, emergency medical technicians, doctors, and nurses unselfishly, almost immediately, volunteered their time, blood, sweat, and tears to the recovery effort. Each of these volunteers was a civil servant in his or her own profession. They believed it was their civic duty to help. These volunteers possessed the skills most needed by their beloved country in one of its most devastating times of need. They expertly gave free medical care to victims, laboriously dug through the rubble in search of survivors, quickly transported the wounded to hospitals, and attempted to maintain a sense of law and order among the chaos. Each volunteer unselfishly utilized his or her specialized civil skills for the greater good of humanity and the United States. Many people did not necessarily possess a specific civil skill, but still wanted to aid in the recovery effort. This American travesty wounded them deeply. They believed it was their moral obligation to help with the recovery efforts. They believed they could not sit idly by and do nothing. This would go against their own morality and it would haunt them forever if they did nothing. These volunteers found themselves, doling out meals and beverages, loading and unloading trucks full of supplies, offering moral support to victims and other volunteers, and fulfilling any task asked of them. By performing these tasks, these people were fulfilling their own moral obligation to society; they could be at peace and could be satisfied with their own moral being when this was all over. This outlandish attack on the United States of America brought patriotism to an all-time high. American citizens loved their country as never before. Citizens wanted to protect, defend, and serve their country. They were proud to be Americans. They were willing to do anything necessary to prove their loyalty, love, and devotion to and for their country, to each other, and to the world. Many retired military men and women came out of retirement and reenlisted. Many people arrived at the recovery sites waving the American flag and dressed in patriotic colors willing to do anything to help heal their beloved country. During this tumultuous time in American history, people banded together and selflessly gave of themselves. There were countless numbers of people willing to give of themselves and not want anything in return. The motivations behind their decision to volunteer were varied, unique, and personal. Whatever their reasons were, the fact of the matter is that they were there when America needed them the most. These volunteers rose to the occasion for their devotion to their country and their adulation for fellow man. This is the definition of humanity. America and I will forever be in debt to those that volunteered.

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