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Sex and Gender Feminism


Submitted By ivyle1410
Words 1692
Pages 7
Essay: Distinguish between sex and gender and explain its implications for feminist theory

Click here and here for two recent articles on contemporary Feminism from the New Statesman Magazine and here for a recent Observer article on biology, culture and gender.

Click here for Varieties of Feminism

In many past societies men and women have performed significantly different social roles and despite a range of economic, political and social changes such differences persist to a considerable extent in the contemporary world. For example in the case of the UK women are still more likely than men to take disproportionate responsibility for childcare and housework; their employment opportunities, although improving, are still worse than men’s and although they finally gained the right to vote in 1928 they are still much less likely than men to become local councillors, MPs or government ministers. There has been great controversy surrounding the extent to which these differences in social roles are explicable by biological sexual differences or by gender differences which are socially constructed rather than biologically determined.

Sexual differences refer to biological differences between males and females such that there are variations between males and females in their chromosomes, their reproductive organs and their relative production of different hormones which in turn result in a range of physical differences. Males are on average hairier, have deeper voices and are more prone to baldness in later life. They are also on average heavier, taller and physically stronger than females and they also have larger brains although female brains are relatively larger than male brains when measured in proportion to body weight.
Gender differences refer to differences between males and females in their social attitudes and behavior and in their social roles within

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