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Submitted By Bronson123
Words 4193
Pages 17
Western Institute of Technology
Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City
College of Engineering

Name: Jethrow D. Laurea Date: September 28, 2015 Course & Section: BSIT4-A Experiment No. 1 OPERATING SYSTEMS HARDWARE STRUCTURES and I/O SYSTEM MANAGEMENT

OBJECTIVES: 1. To operate the Device Manager of MS Windows 7 independently; 2. To determine the different hardware that makes up the entire computer system; 3. To validate the theories related to computer hardware structures.

DISCUSSION: The Device Manager (see Figure 1.1) is a system software that comes with MS Windows 7 operating system. It is a powerful tool that lets you inspect, manage, and troubleshoot drivers for the hardware already installed in a computer.

Figure 1.1 Device Manager

EQUIPMENTS: One (1) Set Desktop Computer with MS Windows 7 operating system installed

PROCEDURE: 1. Boot the computer using MS Windows 7 operating system.

2. Choose Start>Control Panel>System and Maintenance>System>Device Manager.
- or - Choose Start, type “device manager” in the Search box, and then press Enter.

3. Expand the “Display adapters” category by clicking its corresponding plus (+) symbol.

4. List down below all installed devices under Display adapters.
Display adapter devices:
a. AMD Radeon HD 7640G 5. Show the device’s properties of first listed device by right-clicking its device name and then clicking“Properties” on the active menu (see Figure 1.2).

Figure 1.2 Device Properties

6. On the Properties dialog box, click each of the following tabs: General, Details, Driver and Resources. Write the description below of each tab relating to that device.

General: AMD Radeon HD 7640G Device type: Display Adapters Manufacturer: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. Location: PCI bus 0, device 1, function 0

Details: AMD

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