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The Aids to Interpretation Used by the Judiciary, How This May Impact Upon the Sovereignty of Parliament


Submitted By xojessixo
Words 1640
Pages 7
The aids to interpretation used by the judiciary, how this may impact upon the sovereignty of parliament This assignment aims to introduce and discuss the aids to interpretation used by the judiciary and how this may impact upon the sovereignty of parliament.
The legal system of both England and Wales has a body which includes legislations, common law and other legal norms that are established by parliament, the crown and judiciary. The courts are organised in a hierarchal structure and England has no written constitutions like the US therefore giving parliament power of 'law-makers' especially after they made themselves a supreme body who represent the people of the country, they have unquestionable power (unlike the other law-makers) to add, remove and change legislations without consulting the outsiders. As parliament don't have time to look through all bills passed the following can make 'delegated' (or subordinated) legislations; ministry of crown, privy council, local authority, courts and tribunals. Regulations in Chester v Bateson 1920 shows an example of a delegated legislation being declared void by parliament. The English courts are set in a hierarchal structure with this England developed a doctrine of binding precedent (doctrine of stare decisis Latin for "to stand by decided cases") meaning, when cases are being tried judges are bound by decisions of superior or equal court status within their jurisdiction and they must check for previous similar cases for precedents set by either equal or superior courts and should obey/follow this precedent. In the case where the precedent is from an inferior court precedent can be taken into account but doesn't have to be followed. If judges fail to refer back to previous statutes either because he/she missed it or it wasn't cited this gives reason for an appeal. Also judges must consider EU laws and Human

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