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Woods Place Research Paper

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Dakota Williamson
The Woods
Do you have that one place you can go to get away from all the people and noises of the world? The best place I like to be is the woods. Whenever I am in the woods I can get away from people and be happy. The woods is calm and peaceful. When you're walking through the woods you can hear the birds chirping and the wind blowing. The woods offers calmness,peace,and quiet unlike any other place on earth.
When I'm in the woods and see a deer come running through it's the best feeling in the world. Another thing that is good about the woods is all the colors of the leaves during the fall. After all the leaves come off and fall to the ground that's when the fun starts. Its also when you break your camo out and put it on

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The Use of Baking Soda, Common Salt, and Vinegar as Fire Extinguisher

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