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3 Levels of Health Promotion and Prevention


Submitted By aprilnguyen
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Nursing Roles in the Three Levels of Health Promotion and Prevention
April Nguyen
Grand Canyon University: NRS 429v
Instructor Melinda Darling, MSN, FNP

Nursing Roles in the Three Levels of Health Promotion and Prevention For over a decade, health promotion and prevention has been the main focus of healthcare professionals in general and nurses in particular. What does it mean by health promotion and prevention? According to Edelman & Mandle (2010), it’s “the science and art of helping people change their lifestyles to move toward a state of optimal health” (p. 14). In other words, it’s the strategy used in purpose to increase a sense of well-living and to decrease episodes of illness that can happen to anyone at any age. By doing this, it helps lessen the expensive cost government and patients have to spend for the cure. Being alongside with the vulnerable population, nurses work as critical roles of advocates, healers, educators, and researchers throughout all three levels of promotion and prevention (Edelman & Mandle, 2010, p. 19-20).
Primary Prevention The focus of the first level is to promote good health and to protect individuals from diseases. There’re many ways nurses can help with general health and with fighting specific illnesses. The most common ways include (1) educating benefit of vaccination, (2) giving vaccines, (3) instructing benefits of healthy diet and regular exercise, (4) lecturing STDs protections, etc. (Edelman & Mandle, 2010, p. 18). This process takes place at schools, clinics, offices, and hospitals. Altogether, nurses help people gain a better control to ward off illnesses for a healthier life. As for more complicated roles, nurses are advocates and leaders working with the government in forming healthcare policies. For example, nurses voice a

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