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3 Trends in the Global Meetings Industry


Submitted By mcfarlane30
Words 2036
Pages 9
3 Key Trends in the Global Meetings & Events Industry I. The dynamic of meetings and events is changing: Attendees demand a more robust and interactive meeting experience.
Why is this important? This trend signifies a significant shift in the way the business community desires to learn. This evolution has gone from a reactive approach of only listening to a lecture to a more proactive approach of greater engagement in the learning process.
Impact? A change the way in which conferences and events are conceptualized, structured and administered.
Opening Data: In a recent survey conducted by Successful Meetings of corporate, association and independent/third party planners, 70% cited ‘creating a compelling meeting experience’ and their top priority in producing successful meetings in 2015. (
Or quote Corbin Ball:
Conclusions on company response: a. A greater frequency of touch points with attendees pre & post event. b. Attention to demographics c. Changing role of the presenter d. Reliance on technology e. Changing meeting design

II. Big Data Analytics and Accelerated Event Technology are rapidly rising in importance.

Why is this important? During the last economic downturn in 2008, may companies cut non-essential meetings. As the economy strengths and globalization continues to expand, there is a more thoughtful and concerted approach to developing events on two dimensions: 1. Quality of attendee vs. quantity and 2. Valuing the attendee time commitment and attention span.
Impact? A significant number of technological tools are now available to planner, presenter and attendee to address the need. Data analytics has become a cornerstone of event marketing and design.
Opening Data: Use Amex, outline different types of technology available
Conclusions on company

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