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A Memorable Trip to a Historic Site


Submitted By rbatayola
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A memorable trip to a historic site


Throughout life, we all have visited different places or historical sites, so memorable that you cannot avoid sharing that experience to your friends and love ones. As a former member of the US military, I consider myself very fortunate to travel and visit historic places and museums, and at the same time serving my country and the Air Force, one of the finest military organizations in the world. In my own unique experience, I visited a country that I thought I would never dream to visit if not for my career in the US military. The temporary assignment to Incirlik base in Turkey, the bus ride, the visit to the birthplace of Saint Paul the Apostle and a Muslim tour guide to the city of Tarsus, was one of the most memorable trips in my life.

Temporary duty to Turkey

I love to travel, and visited many different countries, but this particular trip a temporary duty to Incirlik air base in Turkey, without my family was a very unique experience for me. This trip was so memorable that I constantly think about it and share this experience to my friends and family every time I have the opportunity. What is so unique about this trip is that, as an American and a Christian, I am visiting a Muslim country that has a long history of Christianity. Numerous Christian Apostles and Saints were born in Turkey, but in this particular trip, I was interested in visiting the city of Tarsus, birthplace of Saint Paul the Apostle. Tarsus is a historic city in south-central Turkey, 20 km inland from the Mediterranean Sea and has a long history of commerce and is still a commercial center today.

The bus ride

We arrived on a Friday, and immediately our superiors gave us a weekend off. I invited a buddy of mine to come along with me since we are advised not to travel alone in a foreign country by ourselves. We took a minibus, just outside the gate to the city of Adana, about a 25 minute ride from the US air base. My friend and I were not very familiar with the transportation system, so we just got off at the city centre and from there we keep walking on the main street and trying to avoid asking questions, if possible. We try not to attract attention to ourselves since we were Americans in a Muslim country. After a while we saw a small minibus with a sign Tarsus on the side, so my friend and I boarded the bus and hoping it will take us to city of Tarsus. After a short ride, no more than 10 minutes, we arrived at the Bus terminal and the driver gave us a signal to get off and transfer to a bigger bus bound for Tarsus. We tried to pay the bus fare, but the driver explained to us that we don’t have to pay since it was a shuttle bus from the city to the bus terminal. We boarded another bus bound for Tarsus, another 45 minute bus ride into the city. The bus ride to Tarsus was also unforgettable; it took us almost two hours. I remembered driving into back alleys, detour after detour, roadblocks and street demonstrations because of their national elections the following week. I noticed that my friend was getting nervous; but I was sound asleep in the back of the bus because of the jet lag from our US trip the day before.

Saint Paul’s Church and a tour guide

We finally arrived in the city of Tarsus and asked the bus driver for directions to St Paul’s church. While at the church, I noticed another tourist, I thought, since he was reading the English writings on the wall. So we introduced ourselves and started a conversation with the man in his early thirties and found out that he was from Tarsus originally, a medical doctor from another town, speaks good English and just visiting the church because it was a nice day. First, he showed us the High School that he used to attend where his Father was a teacher. It was Saturday, so the school was closed, but he talked to the security guard and we were able to visit the campus and then to Tarsus American University, where he graduated. He was a Muslim, but he offered to give us a tour of the city, the Apostle Paul’s ruined house and the well and other Christian historical sites.


As an American and a Christian in a Muslim country, we did not expect to meet someone that day to give us a tour of the city, someone that speaks good English, a native of Tarsus, a Muslim, who became our tour guide. I traveled a lot and have seen many different countries and visited many historical sites, but that day was unique and most memorable.

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