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Sop Guidelines


Submitted By slinkmonkey
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Pages 2
Annual Review and Certification: Operating procedures are updated as often as necessary to reflect current operating practices including changes in technology, equipment, and the facility. Every time a procedure is followed, the technician will evaluate the safety, completeness, accuracy and efficacy of the procedure with a note in the work order that documents the work.

Additionally, a selected committee meets annually to review and certify SOPs if significant changes to facility operations or equipment have occurred. The attendees include one representative from the maintenance and/or operations group responsible for the operation of the refrigeration system. Additional members of the review committee can be representatives from facility operations, the facility or facility safety director, a member of the facility engineering staff, the installing or servicing contractor, or a PSM consultant.

The review process evaluates all existing SOPs for:
• Safety
• Completeness
• Accuracy
• Efficacy

During these reviews, current operating practices are evaluated to determine if any additional SOPs need to be developed. A report on the determination of the committee is provided to the Responsible Person.

For each SOP, Form DOC-CERT is used to record all revisions to the procedure and for annual certification. All revisions are recorded on this form, and approved by the Responsible Person. The form contains the following headings:

Revision Number - The date the revision was accepted
Revision - Description of what the revision was (i.e. “Removed Step 4”)
Revision Date - The date the revision was made to the procedure Approved by - The signature of the person who approved the procedure
Comments - Any remarks or qualifications concerning the revisions.

The modified SOP is changed to reflect the latest revision number.

All binders are updated with a new/revised SOP and all affected associates are notified. Additional training is provided as required.

Procedures Development: The approach to developing the SOPs that reflect both the most efficient and effective way to perform each procedure, as well as the safest way for performing each procedure. The following outline describes the approach:

1. Operational Development of the SOP by Operators
2. Management Review, Critique, and Approach of the SOP
3. Field Review of the SOP
4. Finalization and Issuance of the SOP

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