Premium Essay

Action of Saliva and Hcl in Carbohydrate Solutions


Submitted By QUAH
Words 610
Pages 3
Whom it may concern,


As the representative for Bible Study Society of Chung Ling High School, I would like to propose that the Bible Study Society of Chung Ling High School organize a United Christian Fellowship Captain Ball friendly-match event.

2. The outlines of this proposal are as shown below: i. Date, Time, Venue& Program - Part 1 ii. Organizing Committee - Part 2 iii. Budget - Part 3 iv. Schools Invited - Part 4
v. Objectives - Part 5 vi. Rules & Regulations - Part 6

3. For further enquiries, please do not hesitate to contact any of the following below:

Ewe Fang Chyuan Organizing Chairperson 016-4158894 4. I hope that you can take the approval for this special occasioninto great consideration. Lastly we are looking forward to your favourable reply and your benevolent support is very much appreciated.

Thank you.

Part 1 Proposed Date, Time and Venue
1.1 Proposed date, time and venue

Date : 14th September 2013
Time : 8.30a.m to 1100a.m
Venue : Youth Park

8.30 a.m. – 9.00 a.m. | Gather | Youth Park | 9.00 a.m. – 10.15 a.m. | Captain Ball Game | Youth Park | 10.15 a.m. – 11.00 a.m. | Prize Giving & Fellowship | Youth Park |

Part 2 Organizing Committees of the 2013-2014 Chung Ling High School

OC | Ewe Fang Chyuan | CLHS | Treasurer | Quah Keng Teng | CLHS | Advisory Committee | Por Wee Chiat | CLHS | First Aid | Matthew Law Khang Thern | CLHS | Prizes & Souvenirs | Nathanael Kho Ren Zhe | CLHS |

Part 3 Budget | Debit (RM) | | Credit (RM) | Club Subsidies | 50 | Drinking Water | 20 | | | 100 PLUS | 15 | | | Prizes & Souvenirs | 15 | | 50 | | 50 |

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