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Angelina Jolie


Submitted By rollabuhci
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NHI-Unit 10-Writing a biography-Angelina Jolie

Angelina Jolie is an American actress who was born on June 4th , 1975 in Los Angeles. Her original name was Angelina Jolie Voight and her father Jon, who won an Oscar when she was two, was an established superstar. Her mother who’s also her current manager was part-Iroquois and a model and an actress.

Her past

When Angelina Jolie was a little child she moved to the East Coast. There she spent a happy childhood although her mother wasn’t rich and so they had to buy clothes at thrift stores. When she was young she was a member of the “Kissy girls”, whose job was to hunt boys down and kiss them till they screamed. Another hobby was to collect snakes and lizards. She even had a favourite lizard, called Vladimir. Later she was a student at Beverly Hills High School far from being beautiful. She wore braces, glasses and was painfully skinny. So the students teased her but they didn’t know that she had an impressive collection of knives.

Her movie career

At the age of seven she appeared in her first movie but her breakthrough came with Girl, Interrupted.
It followed her big hit: her role in Tomb Raider, where she had to master a British accent. She had to become familiar with kick-boxing, street-fighting, yoga and ballet.
In 2005 she released Mr. and Mrs. Smith, where she and Brad Pitt starred as a bored couple.

Now she is married with Brad Pitt and although she is committed to motherhood she does charitable work too.

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