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Apple External


Submitted By jyoonicorn12345
Words 2092
Pages 9
Apple Inc. External Analysis

Think Different.


Goals of an external analysis to help a company better understand its position against the other players in the industry. An external audit is not to create a laundry list, but to help identify key variables that offer actionable responses (Fred David), and further eliminate surprises by anticipating such opportunities and threats.

Apple Inc., is an American multinational corporation that designs, develops, manufactures and sells consumer electronics, computer software and personal computers. The company’s best-known hardware products include Macintosh computers, iPod, iPhone and the iPad. Apple Software includes the OSX system, iTunes media player and multiple creativity software. The company’s brand is known for its high level of design, ease of use, and now iCloud, operating in nearly 400 retail stores in 14 countries ( To better understand Apple’s positioning against the other players, our team has divided Apple Inc.’s line of business into regions and retail: Asia, Europe, Americas, Japan and Retail.


Porter’s Five (some may argue 6+) model is an analysis tool that helps “determine industry profitability because they influence the price, cost and required investment of firms in an industry” (M. Porter). Rothaermal further argues that the model reflects the industry’s attractiveness. First image below shows the traditional Porter’s model with the 5 forces, where the image on the latter shows additional factors that may affect the firm’s profitability and attractiveness.

Exhibit 1.1 Porter’s Original Five Forces Model (Strategic Management Insight)

Exhibit 1.2 Porter’s “Five” Forces Model (Lecture 2, R. Herko)

The following analysis is for the Asian region, including: China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, Korea, New Zealand and Australia.

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