Free Essay

Are Selfies Worth It?


Submitted By iForxEver
Words 534
Pages 3
Hashtag let me take a selfie Hashtag let me take a selfie Hashtag let me take a selfie Hashtag let me take a selfie Hashtag let me take a selfie Hashtag let me take a selfie Hashtag let me take a selfie Hashtag let me take a selfie Hashtag let me take a selfie Hashtag let me take a selfie Hashtag let me take a selfie Hashtag let me take a selfie Hashtag let me take a selfie Hashtag let me take a selfie Hashtag let me take a selfie Hashtag let me take a selfie Hashtag let me take a selfie Hashtag let me take a selfie Hashtag let me take a selfie Hashtag let me take a selfie Hashtag let me take a selfie Hashtag let me take a selfie Hashtag let me take a selfie Hashtag let me take a selfie Hashtag let me take a selfie Hashtag let me take a selfie Hashtag let me take a selfie Hashtag let me take a selfie Hashtag let me take a selfie Hashtag let me take a selfie Hashtag let me take a selfie Hashtag let me take a selfie Hashtag let me take a selfie Hashtag let me take a selfie Hashtag let me take a selfie Hashtag let me take a selfie Hashtag let me take a selfie Hashtag let me take a selfie Hashtag let me take a selfie Hashtag let me take a selfie Hashtag let me take a selfie Hashtag let me take a selfie Hashtag let me take a selfie Hashtag let me take a selfie Hashtag let me take a selfie Hashtag let me take a selfie Hashtag let me take a selfie Hashtag let me take a selfie Hashtag let me take a selfie Hashtag let me take a selfie Hashtag let me take a selfie Hashtag let me take a selfie Hashtag let me take a selfie Hashtag let me take a selfie Hashtag let me take a selfie Hashtag let me take a selfie Hashtag let me take a selfie Hashtag let me take a selfie Hashtag let me take a selfie Hashtag let me take a selfie Hashtag let me take a selfie Hashtag let me take a selfie Hashtag let me take a selfie Hashtag let me take a selfie Hashtag let me take a selfie Hashtag let me take a selfie Hashtag let me take a selfie Hashtag let me take a selfie Hashtag let me take a selfie Hashtag let me take a selfie Hashtag let me take a selfie Hashtag let me take a selfie Hashtag let me take a selfie Hashtag let me take a selfie Hashtag let me take a selfie Hashtag let me take a selfie Hashtag let me take a selfie Hashtag let me take a selfie Hashtag let me take a selfie Hashtag let me take a selfie Hashtag let me take a selfie Hashtag let me take a selfie Hashtag let me take a selfie Hashtag let me take a selfie Hashtag let me take a selfie Hashtag let me take a selfie Hashtag let me take a selfie Hashtag let me take a selfie Hashtag let me take a selfie

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Are Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram Worth It to Get?

...Are Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram worth it to get? | EN1420 Composition II | Are Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram worth it to get? Most people, seeing that millions actively use them, would say yes. I on the other hand, say no! I used to take part with each of these social media sites and as a user did not find them useful and actually found them to hinder my life. Many issues happen with work and home life; not to mention so many people are “addicted” and say too much or look at them way too often. Since the rise of social media sites in 2004 when Facebook went public to all, the American culture has become a very open, nosy, tell all population. Throughout my research I focused on the user perspectives and the negative sides of the sites; along with the Terms and conditions or behind the scenes aspects of the three sites. Focusing on just the user point of view at this point most people that use Facebook to begin with have features of their locations or tell the world of Facebook their day to day story including where they are going and what they are doing. This allows for people to stalk each other and know people’s daily routines giving the bad people of the world easy access to do what they would like. From personal experience Facebook can cause issues at work and within a household or relationship. You can send and receive messages and hide many wrong doings on Facebook. People can have secret relationships through Facebook with messaging or the IM feature...

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