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Argument Against God


Submitted By kennyferz
Words 803
Pages 4
Kenneth Ferrante
December 11, 2013
Writing Assignment
Argument Against God For the concept I chose Nagel’s argument against god. Nagel claims that because evil exists it indicates that God must not exist. Premise one states that God is all knowing, all-powerful, and all good. This portrays God as a being that could see, oppose, and destroy Evil with ease, but that isn’t the case, Evil is still in existence. Premise two expands off the claim that God is all-powerful, meaning that God could eliminate all Evil, but he hasn’t. Premise three demonstrates the claim that God is all knowing; therefore he is aware of all Evil. Premise four explains how God is all good meaning that He opposes all things Evil. Premise five claims that Evil is still found throughout God’s world. Thus supporting the conclusion that God cannot exist if Evil is still in existence, which it is. In my opinion, I find Nagel’s argument to be extremely compelling and one hundred percent possible. The idea that God is a being whole is all knowing, all-powerful, and all good suggests that he would create the best possible world. There are various examples that I found to be effective but the idea of a hole in a t-shirt, I found to be simplest and most understandable that demonstrates the inability for God to exist. Although this might be true and God may not exist I have a different outlook. If Evil did not exist what purpose would God serve? He is the protector of Evil and justifies all that is good, but with no bad would good even exist? Instead of each side, only a neutral position would exist resulting in God being deemed unnecessary. If one has no purpose, then what is the point of their existence? With the understanding that God has not been proven or disproven, it is important to understand the world works in mysterious ways. This could also incorporate the idea of the first uncaused cause; each effect has a cause that leads to what is actually occurring. This can be related to a writing by Thomas Swinburne titled “Why God Allows Evil.” In this reading Swinburne explains different types of Evil and why they are “allowed” by God. The main concept is to give an understanding, that without evil a sense of greater responsibility is never developed. These responsibilities can be developed for those around us, for ourselves, or even the world in which we live. Without Evil, our value of life would be diminished greatly; all motivation would be lost. With Evil we are of significant use to ourselves, and others that we choose to assist. While many lose sight of why we are faced with trials and tribulations, it is to give value to our lives. Swinburne is suggesting that God is demonstrating a deeper level of influence by allowing Evil to strengthen His children. The two different types of Evil, Swinburne speaks of are Moral Evil and Natural Evil. We as a species cause moral Evil, which can include acts such as murders, theft, and so on. Natural Evil is events out of our control; these can include hurricanes, diseases, or even animal suffering. Swinburne’s concept is filled with flaws and contradictions compared to Nagel’s sturdy argument. Swinburne suggests that God is an all-mighty being but soon after contradicts his own statement by proposing that God cannot give us qualities such as responsibility and freedom. But God is all-powerful; can He not do what seems like a relatively easy task to a god? Nagel’s argument against God carries a various amount of very logical points. The idea that God is all-good, all-knowing, and all-powerful would suggests that He would be able to rid his world of anything evil with ease. He also discusses the problem regarding the Cause and Effect theory. Each effect must first come from a cause and so on and so forth. With this theory it would have to suggest a first uncaused cause, that being God. This concept contradicts itself, if each cause and effect results into another cause and effect how does the chain begin or yet end? God is the cause of this setback in the evolution of the concept. Nagel clarifies how this theory is flawed and useless when attempting to solidify god’s existence. The negative aspects of his claims are demonstrated in Swinburne’s argument. God is all knowing, this explains why he allows Evil to be in existence. Basically God doesn’t do anything without clearly understanding the consequences and positive or negative effect it will have on the people of Earth. In fact the proposal that God is all-good would be clearly demonstrated through his attempt to make his people better in themselves.

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