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Before I Was Born Essay

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“Before I was, there were”

Before I was born my family consisted of my Mom, Dad, my brother Ian, and my sister Emily. My father was born and raised in Brooksville, Florida. While my mother was born in Long Island, New York. She relocated here to Florida when her father retired from the New York City Police Department when she was 16. My Grandfather and Grandmother, on my mothers side, grew up in New York. My mother is the smallest child in her family, and she is 6 feet tall, her tallest brother is 6 foot 7. My Grandfather and Grandmother on my dad side grew up in different places. My Grandfather grew up in Columbia, where he went to medical school and became a doctor. He did his residency in Augusta, Georgia, where he met my Grandmother. My Grandmother is from Georgia.

From my Mom’s side of the family I have 4 uncles and 5 cousins. Over the years, before I was born, they have also moved down here to Florida from New York. Since life in New York was so expensive they …show more content…
My mother tells me that I cried all of the time and would bite my brother and sister. She says if I was born first I would have been an only child. I was a very small child and only in the 30th percentile of my hight, which most people would find hard to believe nowadays. I was a very sick baby and was hospitalized three times, 11 months, 13 months, and 18 months for respiratory and cardiac issues. I had a home nebulizer and took medication because I would spontaneously vomit all the time. I spent a lot of time in my brother and sister’s class rooms because my mom would volunteer a lot. It gave me an advantage since I would pay attention to what they were learning. Most of the teachers would let me sit and participate in their class even though I was only three and they were a couple years ahead of me. I spent a lot of time at Disney when I was very young. We had annual passes and would go very often to make use of

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