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Book Summary - Who Moved My Cheese


Submitted By annasu868
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Pages 5
Book Summary

Who Moved my Cheese?

There are four characters in this story; Snif and scurry, and Ham and Haw, who we might recognise as ourselves when dealing with changes. Their actions reflect how we might have reacted when faced with the similar situation.

Sniff and Scurry are two little mice with simple mind and thinking process. Their mission to “FIND’ cheese. Hem and Haw are little people with complicated mind and thinking process. Their mission also to 'FIND' a cheese.

The mice and little people both are very hard working. They woke up early morning and scurrying around the maze looking for a cheese. They normally found bits and pieces of cheese her and there until one day they found one room full of cheese. Four of them were happy and enjoyed the cheese so much.

After finding one room (section C) full of cheese, they went there every day. They followed the routine every day. Hem and Haw started to get lazy, going there a bit late because they always think that the cheese will always be there.

However one day, they found that the cheese in section C was gone. Sniff and scurry was there earlier than them and there were sniffing and scurrying here and there, go round and round wondering where the cheeses have gone. After being sure there was no more cheese there, Sniff and Scurry decided to go back to the maze to find new cheese outside.

Sniff and Scurry put their running shoes and wondering whether Hem and Haw are following them. Unfortunately they just waved them telling that they are going to wait in the room in hope that cheese will be there by tomorrow morning.

Sniff and Scurry started their journey in the maze. They were diligently looking from one place after another, day after another, until one day they found a new room known as Section N. They are so happy with what the found after working so hard to find a new cheese. Both of

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