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Cardiovascular Endurance


Submitted By snakeboy
Words 509
Pages 3
Cardiovascular endurance refers literally to your hearts strength. You can improve cardiovascular endurance urance by doing 15 minutes of exercise in your target heart weight three times a week. Some of the exercise you can do include jogging, push ups and skipping rope. Muscular strength is the amount of force a muscle can exert in a single contraction. use bench pressing for increasing muscular strength in the chest, triceps and shoulders. you can do shoulder shrugs to increase muscular strength in back, biceps and abs. do squats for increasing muscular strength in your legs.

Muscular endurance is the ability of a muscle to do continuous work

over a long period of time. good ways to improve muscle endurance are running , playing sports and cycling.

Flexibility is the length of an eccentric motion that a muscle can preform. The best way of improving flexibility is by stretching each muscle group before exercising.

Body composition is the percentages of fat, bone, water, and muscle in the human body. Some ways of improve body composition are pushing with an upper focus, pushing with the leg press and leg curls.

6 skill related factors of fitness

1. Agility: The ability to rapidly and accurately change the direction of the whole body in space.

2. Balance: The ability to maintain equilibrium while stationary or moving.

3. Coordination: The ability to use the senses and body parts in order to perform motor tasks smoothly and accurately.
4. Power: The amount of force a muscle can exert.
5. Reaction Time: The ability to respond quickly to stimuli.
6. Speed: The amount of time it takes the body to perform specific tasks.

15 health benefits of exercise

1. resets your fat point

2. reduces the risk and severity of diabetes

3. boosts immunity

4. lowers cholesterol

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