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Career Development Plan Part Iii Hrm/531


Submitted By sherrymartin
Words 985
Pages 4
Career Development Plan Part III – Performance and Career Management
Sherry Martin

Career Development Plan Part III- Performance and Career Management
A training and mentoring program was implemented for the new InterClean sales force. Our next step is to develop a performance and career management program that continues to work in alignment with the company’s new strategic direction.
Performance management includes activities to ensure that goals are consistently being met in an effective and efficient manner. Performance management reminds us that training, strong commitment, and hard work alone is not enough to achieve desired results. InterCleans major contribution of performance management is its focus on achieving results – the sales team will be trained to engage directly with facilities managers, health care professionals, and operational executives in their customers' organizations (University of Phoenix, n.d). In addition to performance management, career management is a critical tool that will be applied to provide employees with a life long, self-monitored process of career planning that involves setting personal goals and formulating strategies for achieving them.
The development of a performance and career management program will explain the employee feedback process, manager’s assistance with helping employee’s reach a higher level of performance, opportunities for advancement, flexible schedules, adaptation to team diversity, and program costs and benefits.
Individual Performance Appraisal System
With the implementation of the new sales model, new sales employees will be placed on a 60 day probation period, which serves to formally evaluate their learning curve and to determine if he or she will be a good long-term fit for the organization. Employees were shown a copy of the performance appraisal form (Appendix A) and informed

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