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Career Plan Building Activity: Competencies and Career Interests Profiler


Submitted By tuhlman
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Career Plan Building Activity: Competencies and Career Interests Profiler
Tonya L Uhlman
May 19, 2014
Shawn Castle

Career Plan Building Activity: Competencies and Career Interests Profiler

Critical thinking is a challenging process of reflection in which you carefully consider a problem, question, or situation in order to determine the best solution by means of reviewing is the issue reasonable, and then evaluating and refining that solution or belief.
Self-awareness is the most significant thing I have learned during this course. Learning to be aware of how my thinking affects other people and myself. I am challenging myself to put aside prejudices and misconceptions that can undermine the quality of my thoughts. I have also learned that I am not an authority on everything. I have come to the understanding that I have a lot of room for growth and I need to continue to develop and practice my critical thinking skills, especially if I am wanting to pursue my degree in Human Resource Management.
The career interests and competency assessments have shown that the passions I possess are on target with achieving my goals. The competencies that I possess is the ability to cooperate, adhere to values, and the ability to adapt to change. These competencies add value to an effective human resource Manager.
To be a true critical thinker you must be able to look at all sides and find credible information to which might be the exact opposite of your personal view point. I have come to understand how important critical thinking is in my daily life but especially my professional life. As a manager I want to empower and grow my people. This process requires the ability for critical thinking. If I am to empower or grow them I must set the example on how this achieved. This will happen by not only evaluating myself but teaching and fostering my

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