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Career Research Paper


Submitted By Ngsmith55
Words 840
Pages 4
Nicholas G Smith
Professor Mosely
Psychology 1300
1 April 2013
Career Road Map “Research by Penn State and other institutions has shown that up to 80 percent of students entering college admit that they're not certain what they really want to major in, even if they've initially declared a major. In addition, up to 50 percent of college students change their majors at least once before graduation, and some change several times” (Penn state). This is a staggering number of undecided individuals who are currently in college; I am not one of them. There is an overwhelming amount of resources available to the current college student, especially to the students attending San Jacinto College which allows little room for oversight and under achieving. One of the many resources available to students is the FOCUS career 2 online career and personality assessment tool. This allows individuals to answer a number of specific questions in order to narrow or even pin point a career field. Even for someone like me who has already done numerous assessments for the military this proved to be a useful tool to re assert my decision to pursue a degree in the field of environmental science and engineering. This field allows me to pursue a career that requires me to employ many levels of diagnostic and troubleshooting skills while working outdoors. According to the assessment I am highly rated as a realistic personality and my second trait is a balance between enterprising and investigative. Though immediately after receiving my degree I will be re-activating as a Marine Corps officer and will not immediately use this degree, I am pursuing it so that when I retire from the military I have a degree to fall back onto start another career. I will not be discussing the career path of a Marine Corps officer in detail; I will focus on the degree and career field of Environmental

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