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Cases Analysis Outline Steps


Submitted By pekki
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Pages 2
If all of the objectives of the case analysis method are to be realized, an organizational structure for the compilation, analysis, and presentation of case analyses should also be considered. Without this structure, integral parts of the case analysis may be ignored, and the multi-purpose nature of the course defeated. Such a structure would provide the inclusion of the following: 1. Statement of the major problem – the essence of the case, the point beyond which one can no longer find a broader, more pervasive or underlying issue. 2. Outline of minor problems – with facts and reasons. A hierarchical order of importance for the sequencing of these minor problems will be discussed following these steps. 3. Existing major policy issues – if any. This section will develop the ability to discriminate between goals, strategies, polices, programs, procedures, and rules by requiring a delineation of those policy issues which require formulation, administration, or revision. 4. Major rejected alternative solutions – with facts and reasons. This insures an adequate search for alternatives, as opposed to superficial analyses that lead to 5. Recommended solutions – with reasons. These solutions should embrace and resolve all major and minor problems delineated in steps 1 and 2. 6. Policy recommendations: This step will require the completion of the goals cited in step number 3. 7. Programmed implementation of recommendations and projected ramifications. This step requires a time-sequence application of recommended programs and plans for achieving the recommended solution. It also requires a forecasting of ramifications, and the identification of negative effectives of plans on interdepartmental problems.

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