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Causes of War and Conflict


Submitted By jackblack21
Words 1911
Pages 8
Causes of war and conflict

Nationalism; Nationalism is when people are loyal and devoted to their country, they are passionate about protecting their way of life from other peoples cultures, this can be applicable to small tribes to whole countries. Nationalism can easily lead to war or conflicts because nationalism can make people blind to another culture bar their own and makes them less understanding this can lead to persecution of those people that do not belong in the dominant culture. An example of a war or conflict caused by nationalism is Kashmir, The Kashmir conflict is a territorial conflict between India and Pakistan which started just after partition of India. India and Pakistan have fought three wars over Kashmir.
Politics; Politics is a group of people who run a country from there parliament, if a political party disagrees with another party (whether that’s in the same country or another) this can cause major agro and lead to war or conflict. Loads of wars and conflicts have happened because of politics for example the cold war. The cold war this was when two of the biggest superpowers (U.S.A and Russia then named Soviet Union) had a stand off which caused the earth to come to the brink of destruction even when there was no physical fighting going on, America was a Democracy and the soviet union was a dictatorship and basically the two countries disagreed on how both their countries were run, this caused tension and scare all over the world. Some recent conflicts caused by politics is the conflict in Syria, what happened was that the leader was a guy called president Assad and he was a dictator, the people of Syria did not like the way he lead the country and this lead to a rebellion, which kicked off the civil war.
Religion; Religion is a belief that someone has this may be in a god or a something /someone with alien like powers. A lot of people

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