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Child Abuse and Neglect to Juvenile Crime


Submitted By phil73
Words 1306
Pages 6
Child abuse and Neglect to Juvenile Crime
TESST College of Technology

Juvenile Delinquency
September 5, 2012

I believe that maltreatment does influence a juvenile in becoming a delinquent. The juvenile learns that this is acceptable behavior from the people that have the most influence in their lives. Once they realize that this is not a tolerated behavior they tend to act out in all sorts of forms, upon themselves and others. They now hold no fear in defying society. Maltreatment does have an influence upon delinquent behaviors. "Maltreatment is referred to as the parental behaviors that are considered acts intended to inflict physical or psychological harm and that reflect a lack of concern for the adolescent's well-being, sense of self and social competence." (Kilpatrick, Saunders, Benjamin & Smith, 2003). Maltreatment causes neurological damage, deficits in cognitive socio-emotional functioning, and learning of antisocial problem solving and failure in school.
Today's society seems out to punish the delinquents for their behavior. Life at home, their morals and values learned through their parents should also be examined as well. Children are like clay, what is molded and pounded into them hardens and is that way until it is melted and restructured. People need to take into consideration how they were raised and what was taught to them their whole life. Yet, there are exceptions to this. Some children just have problems brought about on their own.
Prominent studies of child abuse and neglect point to several unfortunate outcomes for victims as they grow up. Adolescents who were victims of sexual assault are three to five times more likely to suffer from posttraumatic stress disorder, be abused again, be dependent on drugs and alcohol, or commit delinquent acts compared with adolescents who were not victimized, according to a nationally

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