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Child Development Case Study Analysis


Submitted By tfranks75
Words 314
Pages 2
Trish Franks
Homeostasis – An Analogy
There are many ways in which the body has for homeostasis in regulating the body’s temperature. If our body temperature drops below normal, it has to work hard to bring our body temperature back to normal. Negative feedback is a homeostatic mechanism that causes a decrease to the original function to stabilize the system (Ireland, 2012).
Thermoregulation is the homeostatic process that allows the body to maintain a healthy body temperature. The receptors monitor our body's temperature, and when it falls below normal, the negative feedback system is activated. Your skin senses the cold conditions and nerve impulses are sent from the receptors in your skin to the brain that say, it's cold. The processing center that controls the body's temperature is known as the hypothalamus. The information is then passed to the control center or integrator which prompts changes to the effectors to keep our body temperature normal. The muscles and sweat glands are the effectors (BBC, 2013).
Body makes adjustments automatically in an attempt to stay at a normal temperature. Our body is to the control center sends nerve impulses to the skin which will decrease heat loss from the body surface. The hairs on the skin trap more heat than they are standing up rather than laying down. Our body then produces will goose bumps which are hair follicles tightening to make your hair standup to insulate your body. If that does not work your body will start to shiver in an attempt for your body to create heat through normal movement, which increases the activity in the muscles. In colder temperatures for metabolic rate may increase which increases the internal core body temperature.

BBC. (2013). GCSE Bitesize. Retrieved from
Ireland, K. A. (2012). Visualizing human biology (4th ed.). Danvers, MA: Wiley.

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