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Exploring Parent Child Conflict and the Psychological Effects


Submitted By chelly123
Words 1766
Pages 8
At the root of sociological issues in society is that of conflict. Society as a whole has changed considerably over the last several hundred years such that humans now live in closer proximity to one another than at any other point in history, especially in urban areas where there are many houses crammed all together with close proximity to one another, and the standards of decorum are higher than ever before. For this reason, there is an intrinsic need for people to “get along” with one another that is often undermined by the realities of human conflict. Certainly, conflict seems to exist even in the most intimate and close of human relationships such as between a child and their parent. Its existence is a testament to the widespread issue of conflict, and the major role it plays in shaping the character of both society and culture. This paper will provide an overview of parent-child conflicts, offering an analytical view of contemporary literature on the subject from a sociological context.


This section of the paper helps me to present and analyze the article in question. For the purposes of exploring parent-child conflicts, a particular research study has been chosen and will form the basis of this paper. By exploring the research study in depth and critically examining its various aspects, it can show a superior understanding of the issue as a whole, as well as its farthest-reaching implications.
The study in question is a 1993 study by Crockenberg and Lourie on the topic of parent-child conflicts. The purpose of the study that was identified by them, was to determine “whether parent’s use of power-assertive or negotiating strategies to resolve conflicts with children predicted children’s psychosocial adjustment and use of comparable strategies with peers” (Crockenberg & Lourie, 1993). In other words, this topic being

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