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Childhood to Adulthood


Submitted By sunny4u4ever
Words 2153
Pages 9
Role of Parents and Parenting
Childhood to Adulthood
[Author Name]

Table of Contents Introduction 3 Literature Review 4 Complex Relationship 4 Role of other external agents 5 Division of role between parents (Mother and Father) 5 Major problems 6 Social Interaction 7 Difference in child personality 7 Discussion and Conclusion 8 References: 11


We are born as child and then gradually transformed to adults. This transformation, from Childhood to Adulthood is often dependent upon lot of factors, both internal and external. This transformation depends a lot upon the inputs given by parents and family members. Through out the research we have tried to figure out the role played by parents and parenting in this transformation.
The purpose of the project is to figure out that what are the behavioral aspects of parents that have an impact on the upbringing of child and how parents can effect the transformation of children from childhood to adulthood. The literature tells us that parents who understand their children and who has got control over children tend to shape the future of their kids in a positive way, whereas parents who treat their children as liability and are engage in scolding them losses control over their children. Some of the things worth mentioning for research are: - * There are several factors that parents should consider about the upbringings of their children. * First they should realize that there is always a generation gap between their thinking and their children thinking. * They should not be too imposing and at the same time they should be able to communicate their thinking to their kids. * Parents should also be able to understand the perspective of their kids, children should be set free in the way that they can make their own

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