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Classroom Management


Submitted By ldchap
Words 1683
Pages 7
1. Situation:! Beginning of the Day! Routine:! Turning in homework! a.! Enter the room politely and quietly.! b.! Hang up jacket, coat, or hat (if wearing them) in locker.! c.! Remove homework folder and agenda book from backpack.! d.! Place backpack in locker.! e.! Place homework folder in homework basket.! f.! Sit down at your own desk. ! g.! Sit quietly and listen during any morning announcements.! h.! View “Do Now” activity instructions on board. (items will vary) ! i.! Quietly work until class begins. !


2. Situation:! End of the Day! Routine:! Preparing to leave! a. When instructed to start, clean up your desk and surrounding area.! b. When your group is called get everything from their cubby.! c. When called get backpack, jacket, coat, and hat from locker.! d. Quietly and politely line up.!


3. Situation:! Transition Between Activities (In- Class)! Routine:! Getting excited about whats next! a. When the verbal notification is given, the students should quietly start cleaning up ! their work area.! b.! When the second verbal or audible notification is given, they should stop and ! ! give their attention to the teacher for further instructions.! c.! Depending on the next subject, the students should follow the instructions to ! ! obtain materials needed or politely and quietly go to a specific work area.!


4. Situation: Distribution of Materials! Routine:! Patiently wait for my Mail Carrier! a.! When materials are needed, the teacher will ask the predetermined weekly “Mail ! ! Carrier” to the “mail room”.! b.! Each helper will obtain the appropriate materials for the given task politely and ! ! quietly and take them to their assigned areas.! c.! After all of the materials are distributed, the “Mail Carrier” will politely and quietly ! ! return to their seats.!


5. Situation: Field Trip! Routine:! Learning in the real world! a.! Each student will use the bathroom and get a drink using our normal bathroom ! ! expectations.!

! ! ! ! ! !


b.! After using the restroom, each student will line up politely and quietly with their ! preassigned “buddy for the day.”! c.! The students will be introduced to any and all parent volunteers that will be ! assisting with the field trip.! d.! While on the field trip the students must remain with the entire group, but also ! with their assigned “buddy for the day.”! e.! During the transportation to the field trip location, each student must remain ! seated with their buddy and polite and quiet for the bus driver.! f.! Each student will “Thank” the staff of the field trip location and parent volunteers ! before loading back on the bus. (Assuming parent volunteer does not ride bus ! with students.)!

6. Situation: Recess (Assumed outside recess, no jackets required)! Routine: ! Fun with Friends! a.! When instructed, line up at the door in a polite and quiet fashion.! b.! Follow the teacher in hallway etiquette by maintaining polite, quiet and in a nicely ! formed line. ! c.! When outside, each student is expected to follow the school’s pre discussed ! ! playground rules.! d.! If an organized game is played, each student must adhere to the rules of the ! ! game.! e.! While outside when you hear the whistle or bell line up at the designated area in ! ! a quick and polite manner. ! f.! Remain in line and resume hallway etiquette during transition to restroom and ! ! drink break. ! g.! Politely and quietly reform line and proceed back the the classroom.!


7. Situation: Fire or Disaster Drills (Assumed Fire Drill)! Routine:! Let’s all be safe! a.! Immediately stop everything and quietly focus on the teacher for instructions.! b.! After receiving appropriate instructions, politely, quietly, and quickly line up in ! ! numbered order at designated spot.! c.! Once in line the students will be lead by the teacher on the appropriate ! ! ! evacuation path to the proper designated “safe” location.! d. While in the “safe” area, the students will remain quiet while the teacher accounts ! for each student in attendance that day.! e.! The students will continue to remain quiet and in numbered order while waiting ! ! for the administrators to inform everyone it is safe to return to class.! f.! After the safe to return signal or announcement is given the students will remain ! ! in numbered order while politely and quietly return to class.! g.! Once back in class the students are expected to return to their previous work ! ! area and await further instruction or potential critique on the fire drill.!


! Creating and following routines develops a sense of order within a classroom that is necessary to promote student’s development of learning skills and organization. While some of the above routines are highlighted for lower grade levels, the structure

can be utilized for most grade levels to help cultivate smooth transitions while promoting independence. ! ! As a teacher in at any grade level, it is vital the beginning of the day routine is consistent. Students will usually arrive at varied times within a twenty to thirty time frame all having different experiences while coming to school. Some students may be coming to school just barely awake and not have eaten breakfast while others might have been up for some time with a nice homemade meal before arriving. Maintaining a consistent arrival routine ensures the expectation is known before the student walks into the classroom. This allows the students the appropriate opportunity to transition from their home time to their school time. This is a time the student can get their materials, thoughts, and feelings organized before starting any academic work.!


! Much like the beginning of the day routine, the end of the day routine is equally as important. Also, like the morning routine, the students might be leaving at varied times. Some students might be riding a bus, some might be walking, some might be picked up, and still some might be going to an after school care program. At the end of the day students may start to feel anxious about leaving school, so having a routine will help ensure all items are cared for before they leave. Cleaning up the surrounding area and checking their cubby will also help ensure homework, pens, pencils, and other items are not lost.!


! The transition between in-class activities is a very important part of the day. Since this happens several times a day as subjects change, if this is not handled properly, it could produce a lot of wasted time. Again, cleaning up their surrounding work area will help to ensure items are not misplaced or lost. This continues the process of developing the organization skills of the student. This is especially important if the students were divided up into work area in which they may not at next time. The transition process also allows the students to change their mode of thinking. For instance, if they were working on Arithmetic and switch to English, it allows them to mentally make the transition as well.!


! Much like the transition between activities, if not handled properly the distribution of materials could allow for wasted time. By assigning classroom jobs such as the “Mail Carrier” materials become available more quickly making the transition much smoother. Also having designated jobs eliminates all of the students being out of their seats at the same time. The “Mail Carrier” role also gives the person assigned that task a sense of responsibility which can help develop self confidence and pride when helping their classmates.!


! Field trips can be a stressful event for the teacher and the students. But, if it is handled with the proper routines the stress is reduces and the event becomes much more enjoyable. The process will need to be continually explained for the students that may have never been on a field trip, but as they gain experience it will become easier with the proper routines. Pre assigning a “buddy for the day” leaves no room for confusion as the field trip progresses. A field trip may be the first or one of a few times a

student has ever ridden on a bus, so having a clear understanding of school bus rules will also give each student direction of proper behavior.!


! Recess is the best part of the day for many students. It provides a break from sitting and gives the students the ability to loosen up. Recess time also gives the student a time to be outside playing with friends of their choice. While this seems to be free time for the students, a solid structure is still necessary. Each student must be aware of any and all playground rules along with the Golden Rule of, treating others as you would like to be treated. This is very important during the student’s social time that also plays an important role in their development. Many times at recess semi organized games are played. These games can be a good source of group participation, but if not handled properly could give the feeling of isolation in some students. The rules of the game must be established and followed by each participant to help reduce the amount of conflict or confusion. The students must also be aware of audible and visual cues from the on duty teacher. For instance, if a whistle is blown, the students will need to know to stop and wait for direction from the teacher. !


! A disaster drill is anything, but routine for the entire class. But if the proper classroom management has already been established, the drill or real disaster will work much better. Like stated in almost every situation, the students must know to line up politely and quietly. This is emphasized many times, so during a disaster drill, the students will be accustom to this type of behavior. When the students have the ability to achieve lining up in this manner, it makes a disaster situation much easier for the teacher to be able to keep track of each student. !


! Consistent routines help the entire classroom develop into a positive environment for learning. However, the positive learning is not limited to just academics, but also to each student’s personal development. In maintaining control within the classroom, it allows each student develop organization, social, emotional, and many other skills needed in everyday life.

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