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Coaching and Mentoring


Submitted By abn95
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Pages 9

The use of coaching and mentoring is on the rise within the workplace. Several organizations have adopted the process of coaching and mentoring as development tools to develop those employees who are seeking future advancement. Also, they are setting the foundation for future leaders. The adaption of these developmental tools within an organization is providing employees with the necessary feedback and support to establish and plan their career. Coaching and mentoring provides an employee with the necessary leadership and management skills they would need to strive up the career ladder within an organization. These processes are both ‘helping’ activities, employed either as distinct interventions or together as part of a package of personal development? Coaching and mentoring are deemed a highly effective way to help employees through talking, sense of direction and guidance, self esteem, efficacy and accomplishment. The differences in the application stages of these processes are naturally reflected in the results.

Coaching and Mentoring
In my opinion, Coaching and Mentoring are excellent programs for organization to have in place, especially for personal whom are seeking future advancement and want to excel in their careers with the organizations. A recent CIPD (Chartered Institute of Development) surveys have reported that the use of coaching and mentoring as development tool are increasing within organizations. According to those who responded, 72% use formal mentoring schemes and 63% undertake coaching activities as part of their wider Human Resource Strategy. ( The implementation of these programs for employers are assisting organizations in building the skills and cultures which is needed to integrate new employees while achieving and cultivating current employees’ skills and talents.
The text book

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