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Coaching Management


Submitted By slugger22
Words 396
Pages 2
1. You are a member of a physical education staff in a high school in which the instructional program is under attack by the faculty. It has been suggested that the program be abolished. Prepare a brief defense of the instructional physical educationprogram thast descirbes its nature,scope, and worth in the educational process?
Physical education is very important to me because. Physical education can give students an opportunity to take a break from academic study, get some fresh air and clear their head. If they've been listening to teachers, and reading and writing for hours at a time exercise can help wake them up a bit and make them feel more alert so that when they go back to class they are able to concentrate better and take more information in. It is all well and good for teachers to concentrate on cramming as many 'important' lessons into the timetable as possible, but doing so won't necessarily mean students learn more, particularly if they end up getting distracted due to a short attention span. Even if children do not want to do the exercise just walking around talking to friends helps them relax and makes them better students for the rest of classes.

2. You have been invited to speak to the PTO in your community on the topic”The role of physical education in the community”prepared a speech that described the role of physical education and present it to your class.

With obesity at an all time high, schools and communities are encouraging students to take part in activities that require physical involvement, be it in the form of exercise or sports. Some rec centers and schools even have their own fitness centers to give students and member of the community a chance to enroll in their active programs. Schools and community today are conscious about such issues, they stress on the importance of physical education by making sure students and

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