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Cold Case: Jfk


Submitted By sportschic1
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Pages 2
In our second quarter of science this year, our extra credit project was to watch any NOVA program, and write a short summary about it. The NOVA program that I chose to watch was Cold Case: JFK. It is nearly an hour long video about what happened the day JFK was killed, and how he was killed, the weapons used, and then many other things involving a lot of forensic science. When I watched JFK get shot, I was so surprised and horrified at the same time, that I gasped out loud and felt sick to the stomach. When JFK was first shot, investigation shows he was shot from the back, and the second shot through the back of his skull, and when the bullet went into his skull and then exited upwards, a TON of blood, tissue, and brain matter exploded all over himself, Mrs. Kennedy, and the entire backseat. It was disgusting and cruel. What most interested me was how the modern day scientists told us that was supposed true was proved wrong when the Zapruder’s film was aired on television. Everyone originally thought the bullet came in from the front of JFK’s head, which is why his head went back, but when the video proved that he did not in fact get shot from the front, but the back, no one knew as to how his head moved to the back. The way that the scientists and gun specialists and others proved how the bullet entered was very interesting and clear, for even me, and it was very interesting to me, because when I’m older, I would like to follow a career path in forensic field. I had originally planned on becoming a forensic psychologist, but now, I am also very interested in forensic science, and I’m glad that I watched this video, because if I hadn’t, two things would’ve happened. One, I wouldn’t have ever understood what really happened to JFK and two, I wouldn’t have gone over and revised my plans for the future.

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