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Collaboration Worksheet


Submitted By jbarn40
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University of Phoenix Material

Collaboration Worksheet

Write a 100- to 150-word response to each of the following questions:

What are the advantages of having diversity in a collaborative learning environment?

Diversity in a learning environment can be a challenge but great experience; and there are some advantages. For example, when working on a project, it can be overwhelming or difficult at times to get your thoughts down on paper, but having more than one-person working together can add more ideas. Furthermore, having diversity in a group such as, different cultures, beliefs, and even age can help the group understand and appreciate their input and experiences for any assignment. Differences in the group can also help you be more open-minded which in turn will create a respectful learning environment and better be able relate to your peers.

How might factors such as diversity, attitude, learning, and work styles affect collaboration?

Although having more than one person work on a project or assignment can be very affective; it can also have a adverse effect. With the diverse styles of ideas, someone in the group may believe one’s idea is better than the other person’s. In addition, age can be a factor; due to someone in the group being 18 years compared to 42 years of age. The team member that is 18 may be considered “ not experienced” enough to be able to give input into the assignment. Learning also affects collaboration , for instance, some of the team members may be visual learners, auditory learners, social learners, or solitary learners

How does personal responsibility influence the work and success of a group?

Personal responsibility can influence the progress of a group in many ways. On a positive influence, each team member is responsible to establish accountability for their work. When team members focus on their individual tasks; that will help the team collaborate and transition the assignment smoothly. However, there are negative aspects. For instance, when team members do not complete their individual assignment's; the team is not able to complete the assignment, and another team member is having to do double work. Poor communication, a negative effect, between members of the team can cause late assignments, poor work ethics, and failure to complete our personal goals in class.

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