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Submitted By vendo91
Words 481
Pages 2
I plan to make my music stand out by doing things I’ve never seen done before such as stepping out of my comfort zone and playing with other musicians that I never played with before. I want to jump outside of the box and work hard to reach my goals of becoming an accomplished musician. I would include things in my music that have true meaning. I would like to be able to make someone’s bad day into a good day. I want my music to express the feelings I have about what is going on in the world around us. I would like for people to let my music flow though their minds, forget their problems and be able to look forward to the future that will bring a brighter day. Themes that I would explore in my music would be about life experiences, exploring different cultures, genres and styles. Doing these things will help me become a better accomplish musician and have a better understanding of the music world.
I want my audience to feel and have passion for my music. I want them to know that every note that they hear has a meaning. Whether it is an emotional or a physical response, I want my audience to feel something when they listen to my music. After listening, I want people to be inspired to play an instrument, sing or hum. I want them to know that they can do anything they want, as long as they are determined.
I will want my music to allow people to move away from their comfort zone. My music will make people want to experience, appreciate and create music. My work so far has allowed me to inspire and instruct others by teaching them things I know about music and playing percussion instruments. The things that I have taught about music has helped others building on a solid foundation and be creative with their own music. Some of the basic things that I have taught are how to read music, how to keep the tempo no matter what, and how to have confidence in their self and

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