Free Essay

Complete Nursing Physical Assessment


Submitted By deanaself
Words 5413
Pages 22

Gather Equipment/Provide Privacy/Ensure Proper Lightening
Wash Hands
Ensure visualization of each body part as its examined
Introduce self to patient (my name is….. how are you doing today)
General Survey
Say all of this…
Can you state your age for me? Client appears to be stated age.
LOC-Ask client: Can you tell me you name please, DOB, and where are you today, what month and year. Client is alert and oriented x3 -- to person, place, time
Client’s skin color appears like pink and evenly pigmented without lesions or redness
Client nutritional status appears appropriate for weight, height and body size.
Client is sitting upright and appears to be relaxed and comfortable
Clients body parts are intact and appear equal without no obvious physical deformities.
Client is cooperative and smiling, expresses her feelings appropriate to the situation.
Client’s speech is in a moderate tone, clear, and culturally appropriate.
Upon general observation clients hearing is intact, she hasn’t asked me to repeat anything.
Clients dress is appropriate to the season and client is cleaned and well groomed
Ask her to walk a few feet and then walk back… State “ Gait is rhythmic and coordinated, with arms swinging at side., walk is smooth and well balanced”

Posterior Lungs – stand behind client
State out all parts as you inspect.
Inspect rhythm, depth and pattern of breathing. State I’m going to inspect respirations for depth, rhythm, and pattern. Client’s respirations are relaxed, effortless, and quiet. They are of a regular rhythm and normal depth.
Palpate for symmetric chest expansion by placing hands at the T9 vertebra. As client inhales your hands should expand 5-10cm apart. State Ask client to take a deep breath… and say “Client has symmetric chest expansion bilaterally”

Auscultate systematically for breath sounds. At each position have client inhale and exhale and also tell them to breathe deeply through their mouth. State “Vesicular breath sounds present and No adventitious sounds heard”

Anterior Chest, Lungs, and Heart
State all parts as you inspect them.
Inspect the skin, musculoskeletal development, and symmetry. Have the client lay down and inspect the skin. State “I am going to inspect the clients skin, musculoskeletal development and symmetry, Client’s skin is light pink evenly pigmented without lesions or redness. Sternum is positioned at midline and thorax expands symmetrically”.

Inspect respirations: Respiratory effort and use of accessory muscles., pulsations or heaving. Stand in front of patient and tell them that you are just going to watch them. State “I will now inspect my clients respirations State: Respirations are relaxed, effortless and quiet. The client does not use accessory muscles to assist breathing, no pulsations or heaving is observed.

Palpate the chest wall for stability, crepitation, and tenderness. State “I am going to palpate her chest wall. Tell me if you feel any tenderness. Client is stable, no tenderness or crepitation palpated”.

Palpate precordium for thrills, heaves, pulsations. Start by putting hand below breast at apex then between breast. State: No thrills, heaves, or pulsation felt. Auscultate systematically for breath sounds, at least 4. State “I am going to auscultate for breath sounds. (Ask client to take deep breaths through the mouth.) . Client has clear even vesicular breath sounds. No adventitious sounds are heard”. Auscultate the apical pulse rate and rhythm for a full minute. Should be 60-100 beats per minute. State “I am going to listen to the apical pulse. Client has an apical pulse of ……, and a regular rhythm is present.

Auscultate systematically the aortic, pulmonic S2, Erb’s point, tricuspid and mitral S1 areas. Have Client sitting and do this with diaphragm and then bell, have client supine do with diaphragm and then bell . Do twice each. One time with regular and other time with bell. Laying left lateral with bell only to ausculate for murmur. State “I am going to auscultate the aotic, pulmonic, Erb’s point, and mitral areas, (auscultate), with diaphragm and then with the bell all 4 areas are heard with S1 in the mitral and S2 in the Pulmonic being the loudest areas S3 and S4 murmurs not heard”

1st Section you can draw
Head and Face
State all parts as you inspect
Equipment needed for this section: pen light, qtip, tongue depressor,
Inspect the skin. State “I am going to inspect the skin, (look over the skin on client’s face and head), the skin is light pink and evenly pigmented no obvious lesions or redness”

Inspect symmetry and external characteristics of head and face. State “Face is oval and symmetric. No abnormal movements, Head is symmetric and in midline with the body, and is appropriate in size related to body size”.

Inspect client’s facial movements for cranial nerve 5 & 7. State “I am going to inspect facial movements ask client to clench teeth, smile, puff out cheeks, wrinkle forehead, squeeze eyes tighly shut, tick out tongue. Clients cranial nerves 5 & 7 is intact”.

Inspect and palpate scalp and hair for texture, distribution, and quantity of hair. Run hands symmetrically through client’s hair to palpate the scalp, starting at the hairline stopping in the occipital area. State “Clients head is hard and smooth without lesions, scalp is clean and dry, hair is thick and shiny and evenly distributed, blonde in color”

Percuss the frontal and maxillary sinuses Page: 361 tap with double fingers. State “Frontal and maxillary sinuses are not tender on percussion”

External Examination
State all parts as you inspect.
Inspect eyelids, eyelashes, brows. State “I am going to inspect the eyelids, eyelashes and brows. (Ask client to close eyes), say: eyelids close completely, no inward or outward turning of the eyelashes, eyelashes and brows are evenly distributed, no redness, swelling or lesions. Eyebrows are symetrical bilaterally.

Inspect the sclerae, conjunctiva, iris, cornea.
State “I am going to inspect the conjunctiva”. For the bulbar use thumb to hold upper lid, have client keep head straight, have client look side to side then up toward the ceiling. For the palpebral conjunctiva- 1st place thumbs bilateral at the level of the lower bony orbital rim and gently pull down to expose the palpebral conjunctiva and ask client to look up. Use pen light shine from side into eye to inspect the cornea.

State “ the conjuctiva is clear moist, smooth ,free from foreign bodies, no swelling, or redness; and sclera is white and iris is round, flat, evenly colored, cornea is transparent with no opacities .

Eye Function
Perform the confrontation test- position myself 2 feet away from the client at eye level. Have the client cover their left eye while I cover my right eye and look directly at each other, eye to eye. Extend arm straight out equal distance between each other. Come in to center from both directions and then up and down to center and down to up in center and see when each sees the finger. Normal degres to see perfiferal vision inferior 70, superior 50 temporal 90, nasal, 60. State after test “client has normal peripheral vision in all 4 fields, CN 2 intact”.

Test the extraoccular eye movements- Cardinal Fields of gaze – looking up to right, directly right, down right, and down left, and directly left, and up left. Not up and down. 3 per side. Cranial Nerves 3,4,6 Instruct client to follow finger and move through the 6 cardinal positions of gaze in a clockwise directions. State “client has smooth and symmetric eye movements through all 6 fields, CN 3, 4, 6 intact”

Corneal light reflex-hold penlight 12 inches away from the clients face, shine light toward the bridge of the nose, while the client stares straight ahead, not the light reflected on the corneas. State “look straight ahead… client has symmetrical light reflection in both eyes and parallel alignment”.

* Test pupillary response to light and accommodation (CN 3) Darken room, ask client to focus on an object, accommodation * Hold finger 12 in from client move it closer Patient moves focus of vision from distant point to a near object constrict * Client has normal pupillary response, pupils constrict

shine light by bringing it in from side - laterally and observe for pupillary reaction. State “client has pupil constriction bilaterally”

State all parts as you inspect.
External ear: inspect alignment, surface characteristics/skin. Look at the symmetry, the auricle (whole external ear), tragus (close to face – people pierce it), and lobule – ear lobe, look for lesions, discoloration, and discharge. State “ears are equal in size bilaterally, skin is smooth, no lesions, skin color is consistent with face”

Palpate the auricle and mastoid process. Start at back of ear push ear forward, then also palpate mastoid process then do front of ear, and then do tragus and cartlige. - example
State “there is no tenderness palpated on the auricle and mastoid process”

Inspect and palpate External nose, symmetry, lesions, skin color. To palpate the external nose start at the top bridge with thumb and index finger and gently palpate down to nostrils. During palpation ask if they feel tenderness. -- example State “skin color is consistant with face, nasal structure is symmetric no lesions, and client has no tenderness upon palpation”. Then occlude each nostril to check breathing and ask client each time if they are able to breath. State “client is able to sniff through each nostril”. Mouth and Pharynx Inspect the lips, gums, buccal mucosa, hard and soft palates, floor of mouth for color and surface characteristics. Look at the lips to note smoothness, moistness and no lesions or swellings. For gums ask the client to open the mouth and with gloves retract the client’s lips and cheeks to check for color and consistency. For the buccal mucosa use a penlight and tongue depressor to retract the lips and cheeks to look for color and consistency. For the hard and soft palates ask the client to open the mouth wide while you use a penlight to look at the roof, look at the color and integrity. For the floor of the mouth have the client open the mouth and lift the tongue. Inspect for lesions and coloring. State Lips are smooth and moist, without lesions and swelling. Gums are pink, moist, firm and tight. With no lesions or masses. The buccal mucosa is pink, tissue is smooth, moist without lesions . The hard palate is pale with transvers rugae, the soft palate is pink spongy and smooth. Floor of mouth smooth, shiny, pink, no lesions”. Inspect the oropharynx: note anteroposterior pillars, uvula, tonsils, posterior pharynx, and note mouth odor. While mouth is wide open note any foul odors. To inspect the uvula have the client open the mouth wide and apply the tongue depressor (halfway b/t the tip and back of tongue) and shine penlight into the client’s mouth. Note the characteristics and positioning of the uvula, have the client say ahhhh, and watch for the uvula and soft palate to move. To inspect the tonsils and with the patient saying ahhh look at the tonsils for color, size and exudate or lesions. Grade the tonsils. Inspect the posterior pharyngeal wall, while the depressor is still in place shine the pen light on the back of the throat and note any exudate and lesions. Anteroposterior pillars: state that they are visible. State “Anteroposterior pillars are pink, no lesions or exudate. No foul odor noted, no redness or exudate of the uvula or soft palate, uvula rises symmetrically. Tonsils have no redness, swelling, or exudate and they are pink and symmetric +1. The posterior pharynx is pink without exudate or lesions.”. Inspect the teeth for color, dental carries and missing teeth. - Ask the client to open her teeth, not the number of teeth, color and condition. Note any repairs or cosmetics. State “Client has 28 teeth, all are white, no dental carries, no missing teeth, no repairs, no cosmetics”. Inspect tongue for color characteristics, symmetry, movement (CN 12 XII)- Ask client to stick out tongue, inspect for color, moisture, size, and texture.. State “Tongue is pink, moist, moderate size, with papille., symmetrical no lesions, nodules, ulcers present. Ventral surface is smooth, shiny, pink, or slightly pale, with visible veins, and no lesions. Press tongue against check on each side. Cranial Nerve 12 is intact”. Have client say “ah” test CN10: State “Clients Uvula rises on saying ah so cranial nerve 10 is intact.” Neck Inspect for symmetry and smoothness of neck and thyroid.- Observe the client’s slightly extended neck for position, symmetry, and lumps or masses. Shine a light from the side of the neck across to highlight any swelling. State “neck is symmetric with head centered and without bulging masses”. Palpate lymphnodes: preauricular, postauricular, occipital, tonsillar, submandibular, submental, superficial cervical chain, posterior cervical, deep cervical, supraclavicular bend forward with clavical.. – After palpation state “no enlargement or tenderness of lymph nodes

Palpate the carotid pulses. Do one side at a time. Use middle and index finger to palpte the artery. State “pulses are equal bilaterally +2”

Palpate the tracheal position. Place your thumbs in the sternal notch. Feel each side of the notch and palpate the tracheal rings. The first upper ring above the smooth tracheal rings is the cricoid cartilage. State “Trachea is midline”

Palpate the thyroid gland. Stand behind the client and ask the client to lower the chin to the chest and turn the neck slightly to the right. This will relax the client’s neck muscles. Then place you thumbs on the nape of the neck with you other fingers on either side of the trachea below the cricoid cartilage. Use your left fingers to push the trachea to the right. Then use your fingers to feel deeply in front of the sternomastoid muscle. Ask the client to swallow as you palpate each side. State “the thyroid is not palpable”. Inspect and palpate ROM: do with and without resistance ask client to turn head left to right, each ear to each sholder, chin to chest, and left to celing. Place hand on each side of face and have patient try and touch ear to sholder to show resistance and do under neck and behind head. State “ Smooth and controlled movements full ROM, full ROM against resistance, muscle strength grade 5.” Shoulder Shrug- Cranial Nerve 11- Ask client to shrug with and without resistance – put hands on the client’s shoulders to give resistance to assess the trapezius muscle. State “symmetric, strong contraction of the trapezius muscles, cranial nerve 11 is intact”. 2nd Section you can draw Abdomen Equipment needed for this section: cotton ball, paper clip, reflex hammer, Inspect skin, characteristics, contour, pulsations, movement, umbilicus symmetry. State “Skin is light pink and evenly pigmented no obvious lesions, redness. umbilicus is midline at lateral line. Abdomen is flat, symmetric, evenly rounded, a slight pulsation of the abdominal aorta is visible (in the epigastric region)”. Auscultate all 4 quadrats starting at RLQ-RUQ-LUQ-LLQ (RLQ clockwise), you should hear bowel sounds, take at least a min per quad State “Bowel sounds heard in all 4 quadrants” Auscultate the aorta and renal arteries (slightly below aorta) for bruits using the BELL. State “no bruits are heard.” Percuss all 4 quadrants for tone. State that “Generalized Tymphany is heard over the abdomen because of air in the stomach and intestines. Dullness over liver (at rib cage on right side) and spleen (at rib cage on left side) Palpate all quadrants, Light and deep. For light using one hand, start in RLQ going 1cm deep in a dipping motion. Circle. Gently lift fingers and move to next area. For Deep use both hands one place on the other and go 5-6 cm deep. (deep may cause a normal mild tenderness). State that “Abdomen is non tender and soft”. Palpate the liver- stand at the clients right side. Place my left hand under the clients back at the level of the 11-12th ribs. Lay right hand parallel to the right costal margin (finger tips should point to the clients head). Ask the client to inhale, then compress upward and inward with my fingers.State “liver is not palpable”. Palpate Midline for aortic pulsation. Use thumb and index or 2 hands and palpate deeply into the epigastrium, slightly to the left of the midline. Assess pulsation of the abdomonal aorta. State “A moderate strong regular pulse. Neurologic Assess touch sensation Test dull and sharp sensation and light touch of face, lower arms, hands, lower legs, feet. Use a paper clip with the pointy end and dull end and cotton piece on face, lower arms, hands, lower legs, and feet. Each time ask the patient if they can feel it and if the correctly identify what I used. Be able to identify sharp, dull touch. State “the client correctly identifies the sharp, dull, and light touch stimuli”. Assess coordination Touch nose with alternating index fingers. Have client extend arms out and touch nose with index fingers (alternating). State “client touches nose with smooth accurate movements, with little hesitation” Run heel down tibia. Ask the client to lie down and run the heel down the tibia. And repeat with other leg and foot. State “Client is able to run each heel down each shin smoothly”.

Romberg Test. Ask the client to stand erect with arms at side and feet together. Note any swaying, then have client close their eyes 20 sec. (I will be standing at the side with my arms in front needing to catch them and at the back to catch if my client starts to fall.)
State “Client stands erect with minimal swaying with eyes open and closed”.

Inspect Gait: normal, heel to toe, on toes, on heels. State “Gait is smooth and steady and arms swing at sides. Client maintains balance with tandem walking. Client walks on heels and toes with little difficulty.

Test Biceps, triceps, brachioradialis, patellar, and Achilles.

Ask client to partially bend arm at the elbow, with palm up. Place your thumb over the biceps tendon and strike your thumb and strike your thumb with the thumb with the pointed side of the reflex hammer. Repeat on the other side. State “the bicep reflex is +2

For the Triceps reflex, ask the client to hang the arm freely (limp) while I support it with my nondominant hand. With the elbow flexed, use the flat side of the reflex hammer to tap the tendon above the olecranon process. When hitting patient use the flat side. Repeat on the other arm, this
State, “Quadriceps muscle contacts, triceps reflex +2,

For the Brachioradialis Reflex, ask the client to flex the elbow with the palm down and the hand resting on the abdomen or lap. Use the flat part of the reflex hammer to tap the tendon at the radius about 2 inches above the wrist. Repeat for the other side, State “Elbow extends and triceps contracts, +2

For the Patellar have the patient’s legs dangling off the side of examination table. Using the flat side of the reflex hammer, tap the patellar tendon, which is located just below the patella. Repeat on the other side. State “Normal response, client has the plantarflexion of the foot, +2”

For the Achilles reflex, with the clients leg still hanging freely, dorsiflex the foot, tap the Achilles with the flat side of the reflex hammer. Repeat on the other side. State “Client has no rapid contractions.”

For the Babinski (plantar reflex)- With the end of the hammer, stroke the lateral aspect of the sole from the heel to the ball of the foot, curving medially across the ball. State “Toes flex but is negative for Babinski Reflex”

3rd section you can draw
State all elements out loud as you inspect
Equipment you need for this section: measuring tape,
Hands and nails: Skin, capillary refill, color of nail bed. State “I am going to inspect the nails. Nails are clean and pink, (notice for longitudinal ridging), nails are at 160 degree angle between the nail bed and skin. (press on nail for capillary refill), capillary refill is less than 2 seconds.”

Color and pigmentation: Thoroughly look over skin. State “I am going to inspect the skin. The skin is light pinkish, even in skin tone, no rashes, skin is intact, (Note any healed scars, freckles, stretch marks, moles, birth marks)”.

Temperature: Use dorsal surfaces of hands (back of hands) to assess temp. Assess the face, arms, legs State “I am going to assess the temperature. The skin is warm to touch”.

Moisture: Check under skin folds to assess moisture. State “I am going to check the skins moisture, the skin is dry”.

Texture: Use the palmar surfaces of three fingers to palpate skin texture. State “I am going to assess the skins texture, the skin is smooth and even”.

Turgor: Ask the client to lie down. Using two fingers, gently pinch the skin over the clavicle.
State “I am going to assess the turgor, the skin quickly returns to its original shape”.

Lesions: Observe the skin surface for abnormalities. (If there is one note: Color, shape, size, location, distribution, configuration, and measure it).
State “skin is smooth without lesions

Upper Extremities
State all parts out loud as you inspect
Inspect and palpate hands, arms, shoulders and joints.
Inspection-observe arm size and venous pattern, measure arms in same areas on bicept muscle to insure that they are bilaterally symmetric, look for edema and redness. In the hands and arms look at the coloration, color should be the same bilaterally.

Palpate the fingers, hands and arms, and note temperature.

interphalangeal metacarpophalangeal
Start with hands
Inspect size, shape, symmetry, swelling and color. Palpate the fingers from the distal end proximally, noting tenderness, swelling, bony prominences, nodules, or crepitus of each interphalangeal joints. Assess the metacarpophalangeal joints by squeezing the hand from each side between your thumb and fingers. Palpate each metacarpal of the hand noting tenderness and swelling.
State “the hands are symmetric, nontender, and without nodules. Fingers are straight. No swelling or deformities, same color bilaterally”.

Wrist – Inspect & Palpate
Inspect wrist size, shape, symmetry, color, and swelling. Then palpate for tenderness and nodules. Palpate the atomic snuffbox – place below thumb bones feels like a hole. State “Wrists are symmetric, without redness, or swelling. They are nontender and free of nodules”.

Elbows Inspect & Palpate
Inspect the size, shape, any deformities, redness or swelling. Inspect the elbows in both flexed and extended positions. To palpate- have the elbow flexed at 70 degrees, use your thumb and middle fingers to palpate the olecranon process – upper part of arm above elbow.

Shoulders Inspect & Palpate
Inspect anteriorly and posteriorly. For symmetry, color, swelling, and masses. Palpate for tenderness, swelling, or heat. Anteriorly palpate the clavicle, acromioclavicular joint, subacrominal area and biceps. Posteriorly palpate the glenohumeral joint (total shoulder joint), coracoid area, trapezius muscle, and the scapular area. Do top of neck down back like triangle State “Sholders are symmetricly round. No redness, sewlling, deformities, or heat. Muscles are full devloped. Clavicles and scapulae are even and symmetric. The client reports no tenderness”.

Subacrominal area

ROM for the fingers, wrists, elbows and shoulders

ROM fingers
1st ask client spread apart fingers, then make a fist, then bend the fingers down at a 90 degree angle then 4 finger up together and thumb out and then bring thumb in. Repeat, then have client do it against resistance.

State “Client has full ROM along with full ROM against resistance – muscle strength grade 5”

ROM wrist.
Ask the client to bend the wrist back and forth (up and down), ask client to then hold wrist out and turn it inward and outward (left and right). Repeat, then have client do it against resistance. State “client has full ROM of wrist along with full ROM against resistance muscle strength grade 5 ”

ROM elbows
Flex the elbow and bring hand to forehead. Straighten elbow, hold arm out with hand in a karate chop position (not flat out) and turn palm down and then palm up. Repeat then have client do it with resistance. State “Client has full ROM of elbows, along with full ROM against resistance, muscle strength grade 5”

ROM Shoulders.
Explain that this will consist of extension, adduction, abduction, and motion.
1st ask the client to stand straight with both arms straight down at the sides. Next ask the client to move the arms forward the backward with elbows straight.
2nd have the client bring both hands together overhead, elbows straight, followed by moving both hands in front of the body past the midline with elbows straight.
3rd in a continuous motion, have the client bring the hands together behind the head with elbows flexed and behind the back. Then have client do it against resistance. State “Client has full ROM, with full ROM against resistance, muscle strength grade 5”

Muscle mass and tone. State ” Muscles are fully developed and symmetric in size. Relaxed muscles contract voluntarily and show mild, smooth resistance to passive movement . All muscle groups are equally strong against resistance, with no flaccidity, spasticity, or rigidity.

Assess the pulses. Radial and brachial. State “I am going to assess the radial and brachial pulses, (check both arms), Pulses are 2+ and equal bilaterally.

Back and posterior chest
Inspect for skin, musculoskeletal development, and symmetry. State Skin light pink and evenly pigmented, there is full muscles development and back is symmetric with no lesions noted.

Inspect palpate scapula and spine have client standing and have them bend over - scapulae are symmetric and nonprotruding and equal bilateral. Cervical and lumbar spines are concave; thoracic spine is convex. Spine is straight when observed from behind. Palpate scapula and spine on each side of spine and down spine. Client reports no tenderness, pain, or unusual sensations. Temperature is equal bilaterally, no palpable crepitus.

Percuss costovertebral angle: client sitting on side of bed. Have hand on back and hit fist on hand. Performing blunt percussion over the kidney. Normally no tenderness or pain is elicited or reported, dull thud observed.

Palpate the axillary nodes

Hold the clients elbow with one hand and use the three fingerpads of your other hand to palpate firmly the axillary lymph nodes. First palpate high into the axillae, moving downward against the ribs to feel for the central nodes. Continue to move down the posterior axillae to feel for the posterior nodes, use bimanual palpation to feel for the anterior axillary nodes, Finally palpate down the inner aspect of the upper arm.
State no enlargement or tenderness of lymph nodes

Lower Extremities
State all parts out loud as you inspect

Inspect for skin characteristics, varicosities, hair distribution, musculoskeletal development and symmetry. Ask the client to lie supine, then drape the groin and place a pillow under the clients head for comfort. Observe skin color while inspecting the both legs from toes to groin. Inspect for lesions, ulcers, edema and distribution of hair. Take a measuring tape and measure in the same are to insure that legs are the same bilaterally length and width. State “Skin is light pink evenly pigmented, client shaves legs, no lesions or ulcers, (note any scars), no edema, no heat. Legs are symmetric equal bilaterally”.

Palpate for temperature all the way up each leg, texture, and pretibial edema. Use the back of the hands to palpate for temperature from feet to upper leg. Feel the texture of the leg. If edema is noted during inspection, palpate the area to determine if it is pitting or nonpitting. State “Im a going to palpate for temperature, texture and pretibial edema. Temperature is warm, texture is smooth, and no pretibial edema or atrophy”.

Palpate the pulses: dorsal pedis, posterior tibial, popliteal.

For the dorsal pedis, dorsiflex the clients foot and apply light pressure lateral to and along the side of the extensor tendon of the big toe. The pulses of both feet may be assessed at the same time to aid in making comparisons. State “I am going to palpate the dorsal pedis pulses, pulses are 2+ and equal bilaterally”.
For the posterior tibial, palpate behind medial malleolus (in the grove between the ankle and the Achilles tendons). Palpate both at the same time for comparison. State “I am going to palpate the posterior tibial pulses, pulses are 2+ and equal bilaterally”.

For the Popliteal Pulse, Ask the client to raise (flex) the knee partially. Place your thumbs on the knee while positioning your fingers deep in the bend of the knee. Apply pressure to locate the pulse. Usually detected lateral to the medial tendon. State “I am going to palpate the popliteal pulses, pulses are 2+ and equal bilaterally”.

Inspect and palpate hips, knees, ankle and joints of the feet HIPS
With the client standing, inspect symmetry and shape of the hips. Palpate for stability and tenderness. palpate the iliac crest the greater trochanter, top area of groin. State “I am going to inspect and palpate the hips. Buttocks are equally sized, Iliac crests are symmetric in height, Hips are stable, with no tenderness, no heat, temperature is warm consistant with rest of body”.

With the client supine the sitting, with knees dangling, inspect the size, symmetry, swelling, deformities and alignment. Observe for quadriceps muscle atrophy. Palpate for tenderness, warmth, consistency, and nodules. Begin palpation 10 cm above the patella, using your fingers and thumb move downward toward the knee. State “I am going to inspect and palpate the knees. Knees are symmetric, hollows are present on both sides of the patella, no swelling or deformities, non tender and muscles are firm, no heat, temperature warm consistant with rest of body. Lower leg in alignment with the upper leg”.

With the client in sitting, standing, and walking, inspect position, alingment, shape and skin. Palpate ankles and feet for tenderness, heat, swelling, or nodules. Palpate the toes from the distal end proximally, noting tenderness, swelling, bony prominences, nodules, or crepitus of each interphalangeal joint.
State “Toes and feet are in alingment with lower leg. Smooth rounded prominences with prominent heels and joints. Skin is smooth and free of corns. Client Reports no pain. There is no heat, swelling, or nodules”.

ROM for hips, knees, feet, and ankles.

With the client supine
-Raise extended leg
-Flex knee to chest while other leg is extended on bed.
-Move extended leg away from midline of body as far as possible (abduction and adduction)
-Bend knee and turn leg inward and then outward (rotation)
-Ask client to lie prone (on stomach) and lift extended leg off table (lift leg up)
Then Repeat all of these with resistance.
State Full ROM for the hip, full ROM with resistance, muscle stregth grade 5”.

Muscle tone and strength - Relaxed muscles contract voluntarily and show mild, smooth resistance to passive movement. All muscle groups are equally strong against resistance, with no flaccidity, spasticity, or rigidity.

-Bend each knee up toward buttocks or back.
-Straighten the knee
-Walk normally
Repeat and then do again with resistance
State “Client has full ROM in knee and full ROM with resistance, muscle strength grade 5.

Ankles and Feet
-Point toes up (dorsiflexion) and down (plantarflexion)
;turn soles inward (eversion) and outward (inversion)
-Rotate foot outward (abduction) and then inward (adduction) -turn toes under foot (flexion) and then upward (extension)
State” Client has full ROM in ankles and feet and full ROM with resistance, muscle strength grade 5”

State all parts as you inspect
Observe patient moving from lying to sitting position. Note coordination, use of muscles, ease of movements. State “ I am going to inspect the client move from a lying position to a sitting position, and inspect the coordination, use of muscles and movements.
State “Patient moves from lying position to sitting position with ease and coordination. No extra use of muscles to assist in sitting up”.

ROM for spine.
-Touch chin to chest (flexion) and look up to the ceiling (hyperextension)
-Touch each ear to the shoulder of that side.
-Have Client turn head right to left. (resistance)
-Ask client to bend forward and touch toes (observe for symmertry of shoulders, scapula, and hips).
-sit behind the client and stablize the clients hips at the pelvis with your hands and ask the client to bend sideways (left and rt), bend back to you, and twist the shoulders one way then the other.
State “Client has full ROM of spine”

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Assessment Focus

...Focussed Assessment In the given case study patient has persistence vomiting for eight days and she took Antaacids to relieve the symptoms. She is dehydrated, and her lab results shows she has metabolic alkalosis. In focused assessment, detailed nursing assessment of particular body system(s) connected to the current problem is required. One or more body system may be involved.Nausea and vomiting can ocurr due to different reasons like food poisoning,chloecystitis or intestinal obstruction..For the patient with vomitting,intially the health care provider need to pay attention to signs of dehydration. Like assessing monitoring blood pressure and observing for hypotension, skin turgour and mucous membranes changes (McCance, Huether, Brashers, & Neal, 2014). General Assessment: Patient had dark circles under the eyes. She looked worn out. She was feeling anxious. Her energy level was very low. She was speaking very slowly. Abdominal Examination: Abdomen is soft to touch. Patient has some epigastric pain. Bowel sounds are decreased.No bloating or acidity. Signs of hypo-motility may indicate an increased risk for nausea and vomiting. Cardiovascular system: Patient is hypotensive with tachycardia. No heart regurgitation or murmur. Heart rhytm is regular. Patient is feeling tired and dizzy. Pulmonary system: Patient is in metabolic alkalosis. Respirations rate is low 12 breaths per minute. Patient is taking deep regular breaths. Lungs are clear to ausculation...

Words: 1345 - Pages: 6

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Medical Surgical

...Chapter 3: Health History and Physical Examination MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. A patient who is actively bleeding is admitted to the emergency department. Which approach is best for the nurse to use to obtain a health history? a.|Briefly interview the patient while obtaining vital signs.| b.|Obtain subjective data about the patient from family members.| c.|Omit subjective data collection and obtain the physical examination.| d.|Use the health care provider’s medical history to obtain subjective data.| ANS: A In an emergency situation the nurse may need to ask only the most pertinent questions for a specific problem and obtain more information later. A complete health history will include subjective information that is not available in the health care provider’s medical history. Family members may be able to provide some subjective data, but only the patient will be able to give subjective information about the bleeding. Because the subjective data about the cause of the patient’s bleeding will be essential, obtaining the physical examination alone will not provide sufficient information. DIF: Cognitive Level: Apply (application) REF: 45 TOP: Nursing Process: Assessment MSC: NCLEX: Health Promotion and Maintenance 2. Immediate surgery is planned for a patient with acute abdominal pain. Which question by the nurse will elicit the most complete information about the patient’s coping-stress tolerance pattern? a.|“Can you rate your pain on a 0 to 10 scale?”| b.|“What...

Words: 1950 - Pages: 8

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Assessment Tool Analysis Paper

...Assessment Tool Analysis Paper Assessment is the first and most important element of the nursing process. Assessment tools are not merely designed to measure the physical nature of the illness. They can also measure the psychosocial, spiritual, and emotional well-being of the patient. Watson felt that addressing the patient's mind, body and spirit can promote health and individual or family growth. She felt that nursing was distinctive through the science of caring and medicine involved curing (Suliman, Welmann, Omer & Thomas, 2009). In this paper I will be discussing three assessment tools that can be used by nurses to verify better, organize, and interpret a patient's emotional and spiritual well-being. I will describe the purpose of each tool and the population it might be useful. I will give data such as; cost, length of time to complete, ease of using and intended population. I will also describe how this tool enhances the assessment phase of the nursing process and the quality of care delivered by the nurse. Lastly, I will apply these tools to the vulnerable older population chosen from my Self Awareness paper. The three assessment tools that I selected were: The Spiritual Well-Being Scale, Derogatis Stress Profile, and the Perceived Stress Scale. The Spiritual Well-Being Scale This Spiritual Well-Being Scale (SWBS) is an easy assessment tool, designed for adults to self-assess their perceived spiritual well-being. There are twenty questions answered by paper and pencil...

Words: 1550 - Pages: 7

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Health Assessment Family

...COLLABORATIVE BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN NURSING PROGRAM (University of Windsor, Lambton College, St. Clair College – Windsor & Thames) Health Assessment NRS 63-166 Fall 2011 Site: St Clair College, Thames Campus Teaching Faculty Linda O’Halloran Phone: 519-354-9714 Ext. 3233 E-mail: Office Hours: Monday’s 1100 – 1200, Tuesday’s 1000 - 1600 or by appointment Course Location Room 118 Course Times: Monday’s 1200 – 1400 – lecture Labs: weekly- either Monday or Tuesday as per your schedule Lab Teaching Instructor Maureen Eyres Andrea Reddam Vanessa Schinkel ©Collaborative BScN Program 2010 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED INTRODUCTION TO COLLABORATIVE BScN PROGRAM Mission Statement As partners, the Faculty of Nursing at the University of Windsor with St. Clair College (Windsor and Thames Campuses) and Lambton College (Sarnia) undertake the shared commitment to excellence in the preparation of Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BScN) candidates who embody our core values and the best elements of the art and science of nursing, education, leadership, research, and practice in their professional journeys. Vision EXCELLENCE in nursing education, practice, and research. Core Values ...

Words: 4870 - Pages: 20

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Improvement in Health Assessment

...Improvement in Health Assessment Erin Graham West Texas A&M September 14, 2012 Improvement in Health Assessment A nurse’s role in health assessment has multiple parts to make it complete. An evaluation of a person’s health status consists of obtaining a full health history as well as a physical examination. The nurse must incorporate the use of inspection, palpation, percussion and auscultation when performing a health assessment, all which are skills learned throughout the nursing education we obtained. However, we all need to improve on certain things in our practice. After reading the assigned chapters for this week and evaluating myself as a nurse, two keys things stood out in my practice that could use some improvement. The way I listen to my patients is the first item of improvement. I have always felt confident in the way I approach someone and the way I react when I am approached about the health issues of my patients, but as I think back to the many experiences I have had as a nurse, I recognize that the way I listen to some of them is not done to the best of my ability. I have many times found myself jumping into the conversation before I have heard everything that needs to be said by the patient, therefore leading to my own back tracking of given information. I need to improve the way I listen, by first, hearing the whole topic of concern or question and then proceeding to give my help through my response. The area of nursing I work in comes with...

Words: 958 - Pages: 4

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American Indian

...Assessment Analysis Paper Gentina Thompson NUR440: Health Assessment and Promotion for Vulnerable Population September 22, 2014 Assessment tools are a necessary part of everyday nursing care. They provide the nurse with measurable means of keeping inventory of a patient’s physical progression from shift to shift. Assessment tools like the Braden scale which assess the patient’s skin quality; along with the falls risk scale that assess how high the patient’s chances are for falling; are two common assessment tools used worldwide. Along with these physical assessment tools are an array of non-physical assessment tools used to evaluate anything from the patient’s coping skills to evaluating their stress level. Three popular ones are the daily hassle scale, Beck depression inventory, and the perceived stress scale. All three of these scales are imperative in finding out what kind of state the patient is in cognitively. Daily hassles are defined as “irritating, frustrating demands that occur during everyday interactions with the environment (Wright et al., 2010). Daily hassles are normally those daily interactions with family or friends that have regular occurrences; however are more difficult when trying to determine a beginning and an end. The Kanner Hassel scale is the most commonly used it generates eight scores on eight dimensions of time, pressure, work, financial responsibilities, health, neighborhood/environment, inner concerns, household responsibilities, and future security...

Words: 1270 - Pages: 6

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Nursing Critical Essay

...WORD COUNT 4399 The assignment will discuss a critical incident from a nursing management perspective, being an admission assessment experienced during placement. It is not a care study. There will be an overview of the nurse-managers responsibilities during the admission assessment and attention drawn to local and government policy. Particular consideration is given to risk assessment, Essence of Care (DoH 2001) in respect of the Waterlow Pressure Damage Assessment (1985), pressure sores, nutritional screening and delegation. Other issues considered will be communication, partnership working, the therapeutic relationship, and the nurse as an agent of change. Findings will be supported by literature. Identifying factors have been changed to respect patient confidentiality. Mary had no previous psychiatric history. She was eighty-four and lived in residential accommodation. She had two adult daughters who were unable to attend Mary’s admission. Prior to admission Mary’s behaviour had changed over several weeks and she had been refusing to get out of bed during the day. During admission she showed occasional signs of confusion but was able to give consent. Physically, Mary was in a wheelchair, had a history of falls, pressure damage, skin flaps. and needed full assistance with mobility. My mentor facilitated her admission assessment. I observed this in preparation of undertaking future ones myself whilst under supervision. From a management perspective my mentor who was the...

Words: 5656 - Pages: 23

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...Introduction Health assessment means different things to different people. Barkauskas, Stoltenberg-Allen, Baumann and Darling-Fisher (2002) consider health assessment as the systematic collection of data that health professionals, such as nurses, can use to make decisions about how thy will intervene to promote, manintain or restore health. In this paper, discussion about nursing assessment form of Queen Elizabeth Hospital (figure 1) and Gordon’s functional health pattern (figure 2) are presented, and comparisons between these two assessments on the aspects of structure, comprehensiveness, and applicability will be explained. Comparison between hospital assessment and Gordon’s functional health patterns Queen Elizabeth Hospital admission assessment form and the Gordon’s functional health pattern assessment form also can showed the evaluation of Ms Wong’s condition, Ms Wong was admitted to QEH because of slip and fell with left patella fracture. Both assessment forms had clear subjective and objective data on health perception and elimination pattern. It can provide data for us to making nursing diagnosis and care plan. However, there are something difference in terms of structure, comprehensive and applicability of these two assessment. Structure The format of Gordon’s Functional Health Patterns Assessment form is simple categories and concise typology. This layout is clustering and is easier to understand and complete. However, hospital assessment forms but not...

Words: 1514 - Pages: 7

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Professional Presence and Influence

...profession, professional presence and influence is a continuous life long process that requires one to first understand their feelings, attitude and understanding of why they choose the particular profession the first place. This requires a complete mind and soul searching. In a professional such as nursing, the professional presence and influence is considered to be a healing presence (Korner).It indeed allows you to enter a unknown zone, a place, feeling or thoughts that you have never experience before. This is where you own self-awareness of your past, presence, beliefs and value system plays an important role in how you care for people that are place in your care. As a nurse I must leave behind all prejudges, culture, children hood beliefs and preconceive motions in order for me to treat and care for all my patients with compassion, respect and understanding of where the patient has been, where he or she is now and what they want for their future. Depending on your spiritual back ground it can be a conscious and a vision that healing can be possible and can be either mind and body combine or can occur individually. To be able to practice nursing successfully, I must understand what being human is which is a spiritual and physical being or else you will find yourself disliking the professional....

Words: 2709 - Pages: 11

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...1 NRSG125 HEALTH ASSESSMENT 1. Introduction to physical assessment techniques LEARNING OUTCOMES: At the successful completion of this session students will be able to: * Demonstrate the techniques of inspection, palpation, percussion and auscultation at a beginning level * Discriminate between intensity, duration, pitch and quality of percussion sounds at a beginning level * Differentiate between light and deep palpation * Identify the components of a stethoscope. * Identify and describe the use of a variety of equipment used for health assessment * Establish an environment suitable for conducting a physical assessment. * Describe safety precautions and legal considerations when performing a physical assessment. PRE-LAB READING: Prior to attending this lab students should read the following: * Estes, M, E, Z., Cajella,P.,Thoebald, K.,Harvey, T., (2013). Health assessment and physical examination (1st ed.) South Melbourne, Vic., Australia; Cengage Learning. pp 81-96. * Tollefson, J. (2012) Clinical psychomotor skills (5th ed.) South Melbourne, Vic. Australia.: Cengage Learning. pp 23-28 List the physical assessment techniques in the correct order, and provide two examples of findings. Assessment | Description | Example of findings | technique | | | | | | Inspection | Examination conducted by looking at the body parts being examined, through observation, focus images,...

Words: 733 - Pages: 3

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Elder Abuse

...residential facilities (such as a nursing home, assisted living facility, group home, board and care facility, foster home, etc.) and is usually perpetrated by someone with a legal or contractual obligation to provide some element of care or protection,” (Frequently asked questions, n.d.). 2. What are the recognized types of elder abuse?  The following types of abuse are commonly accepted as the major categories of elder mistreatment: * Physical Abuse—Inflicting, or threatening to inflict, physical pain or injury on a vulnerable elder, or depriving them of a basic need. * Emotional Abuse—Inflicting mental pain, anguish, or distress on an elder person through verbal or nonverbal acts. * Sexual Abuse—Non-consensual sexual contact of any kind, coercing an elder to witness sexual behaviors. * Exploitation—Illegal taking, misuse, or concealment of funds, property, or assets of a vulnerable elder. * Neglect—Refusal or failure by those responsible to provide food, shelter, health care or protection for a vulnerable elder. * Abandonment—The desertion of a vulnerable elder by anyone who has assumed the responsibility for care or custody of that person. (Frequently asked questions, n.d.). 3. What are some signs of possible abuse or neglect?  While one sign does not necessarily indicate abuse, some indicators that there could be a problem are: * Bruises, pressure marks, broken bones, abrasions, and burns may be an indication of physical abuse, neglect,...

Words: 754 - Pages: 4

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Health Assessment

...Assessment is the first step in determining the health status of the patient. As a first year student and new in nursing field, I admit that I do not have much idea and have not experience doing it. At first, I thought health assessment is all about interviewing and taking vital signs only. But, after reading about the nursing process, I could say that, I was enlightened and gained understanding about the health assessment process. This essay will reflect on insights gained in two health assessment framework. The Gordon’s functional health pattern and the body systems approach. And the strength and weakness of these frameworks offered in collecting and organising clients’ comprehensive health assessment. The Gordon's system of functional health patterns provides an excellent, relevant format for nursing data collection to determine an individual's or group's health status and functioning (Carpenito-Moyet, 2006, p. 29). The patterns, which focus on behaviours that occur with time, present a total picture of the client, rather just a small part of his or her life (Craven & Hirnle, 2009, p 55). This framework is usually collected through interview process or history taking. It is where the client provides full picture of his well-being his ability to perform task of daily living. Moreover, the body systems approach is a framework that physicians and advanced nurse practitioners commonly use. It focuses on the pathophysiology involved within the specific body systems in e...

Words: 823 - Pages: 4

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Home Care

...What is a Nursing Home? Nursing Homes are places for people who don't need to be in a hospital but can't be cared for at home, more commonly referred to as skilled nursing and rehab centers. Nursing care is typically provided for people who need long-term care or rehabilitation after surgery or are recovering from a more severe medical condition like a stroke. These communities provide all of the personal care and services of an assisted living with the addition of 24-hour nursing care. Regent Care Center Facts Funded 35 yrs ago A modern facility with 180 beds Joint commission accredited facility A for profit-non-sectarian, and private funded organization Client Population: mostly 65 and over Catchment area: Includes many residents of Bergen-Hudson-Passaic County. Also patients from Hackensack Medical Center Regent Care Mission Statement Regent Care Center’s mission is to provide the best possible quality of care and quality of life for our long-term residents and sub acute patients. We are also committed to improving quality of life for our staff and family members of our residents. All staff, through team work and the interdisciplinary process, will provide the highest quality service compassion and respect to residents and their family members. The staff of Regent Care Center fulfills its mission and produces a first-class facility by practicing the key concepts on a daily basis: C= Commitment to residents, families, self, and career L= Leadership – setting a...

Words: 1930 - Pages: 8

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Complete Physical Assessment

...| Complete Physical Assessment | Fort Hays State University | NURS603L Health Assessment Across the Lifespan Lab for RNs | Katie Houp | 4/24/2014 | Complete Physical Assessment of 40 year old male patient seen for assessment purposes. | Complete Physical Examination Date: 4/24/2014 Examiner: Katie Houp Patient: Matt Gender: M Age: 40 Occupation: Medic General Survey of Patient Patient is Alert and Orientated to time place and events, appears slightly younger than stated age of 40 years old. Is of African American descent with medium brown pigmentation. Appears well nourished, denies any unplanned weight changes in recent months. Posture and Position: Sitting straight, relaxed with interview process, Obvious Physical deformities: None. Mobility: gait is even, able to ambulate without assistance or use of assistive devices. Full ROM of Joints noted, no involuntary movements noted. Facial expression: Relaxed, pleasant, Mood and affect: laughs with examiner, appropriate for situation. Speech: Clear, even cadence, appropriate word choice, English is noted to be secondary language. Hearing: able to hear whispered words without difficulty. Personal Hygiene: no malodorous smells identified. Measurement and Vital Signs Weight: 160 Height: 5’8” Body Mass Index: 24.3 Radial pulse palpated rate and rhythm: strong and regular Blood pressure: Right arm 118/62 Respirations: observed regular rate and rhythm. Temperature: not obtained this assessment...

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