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Improvement in Health Assessment


Submitted By engraham1781
Words 958
Pages 4
Improvement in Health Assessment
Erin Graham
West Texas A&M

September 14, 2012

Improvement in Health Assessment
A nurse’s role in health assessment has multiple parts to make it complete. An evaluation of a person’s health status consists of obtaining a full health history as well as a physical examination. The nurse must incorporate the use of inspection, palpation, percussion and auscultation when performing a health assessment, all which are skills learned throughout the nursing education we obtained. However, we all need to improve on certain things in our practice.
After reading the assigned chapters for this week and evaluating myself as a nurse, two keys things stood out in my practice that could use some improvement. The way I listen to my patients is the first item of improvement. I have always felt confident in the way I approach someone and the way I react when I am approached about the health issues of my patients, but as I think back to the many experiences I have had as a nurse, I recognize that the way I listen to some of them is not done to the best of my ability. I have many times found myself jumping into the conversation before I have heard everything that needs to be said by the patient, therefore leading to my own back tracking of given information. I need to improve the way I listen, by first, hearing the whole topic of concern or question and then proceeding to give my help through my response. The area of nursing I work in comes with a lot of hormonal emotions after the birth of a newborn, so many times my patients just need a shoulder to cry on or in my case cry with, which is how it ends up on most occasions. With this I need to be a type of caregiver that gets down on the patient’s level and out of the authoritative level as a nurse, so to speak, and listens to the frustrations and emotions that comes with having

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