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Contemporary Business Approach Essay


Submitted By micbusenlehner
Words 527
Pages 3
Unit 2 Assignment
Sociotechnical system approach to management stands out among the rest because it is the only approach that incorporates humans into the management style. This approach is based on the idea that if given the correct tools, training and knowledge that the employees can be productive, and managers can correct errors early on in the work process.
Quantitative Management stands out because this approach has a heavy emphasis on management problems. This is a mathematical approach to management. This approach is designed to allow managers to identify and solve problems and how to make clear and concise decisions. This method is often underused because of the varying tasks of management. Most managers cannot be predicted by a mathematical formula.
Organizational behavior approach has two schools of thought, Theory X which states that a manager assumes an employee is lazy and irresponsible and in need of constant supervision to produce work, and theory Y which states a manager assumes their employees want to work and are not in need of constant supervision. Team “X” perspective is referred to the self-fulfilling prophecy, using negativity as a motivation for production. Team “Y” uses a culture of positive, advocating and individual motivations and challenges, and produces superior results.
The Systems Theory approach depends heavily on the organizations relationship with outside contributions. This approach thrives on open systems, taking raw materials, human resources and capital and transform them into whatever product they are marketing. This stresses that one organization is part of a subsystem of organizations.
Along with management strategies, all organizations have varying environments which they work within. The outermost environment in management is the macroenvironment. This layer includes all of the laws and regulations for the

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