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Copenhagen's Inconvenient Truth


Submitted By wimepea
Words 6188
Pages 25

Copenhagen's Inconvenient Truth

September/October 2009 ESSAY

Copenhagen's Inconvenient Truth
How to Salvage the Climate Conference Michael Levi MICHAEL A. LEVI is David M. Rubenstein Senior Fellow for Energy and the Environment at the Council on Foreign Relations. This December, diplomats from nearly 200 countries will gather in Copenhagen to negotiate a successor to the 1997 Kyoto Protocol, which for the first time bound wealthy countries to specific cuts in greenhouse gas emissions. Most of these emissions come from burning fossil fuels -- coal, oil, and natural gas -- for energy, from deforestation, and from the agricultural sector. They must be cut deeply in the coming decades if the world is to control the risks of dangerous climate change. Most of those devoted to slashing the world's greenhouse gas emissions have placed enormous weight on the Copenhagen conference. Speaking earlier this year about the conference, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon was emphatic: "We must harness the necessary political will to seal the deal on an ambitious new climate agreement in December here in Copenhagen. . . . If we get it wrong we face catastrophic damage to people, to the planet." Hopes are higher than ever for a breakthrough climate deal. For the past eight years, many argued that developing nations reluctant to commit to a new global climate-change deal -- particularly China and India -- were simply hiding behind the United States, whose enthusiastic engagement was all that was needed for a breakthrough. Now the longawaited shift in U.S. policy has arrived. The Obama administration is taking ambitious steps to limit carbon dioxide emissions at home, and Congress is considering important cap-and-trade and clean-energy legislation. The road to a global treaty that contains the climate problem now appears to be clear. But it is not so simple. The odds of

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Enviornment on global warming” The Inconvenient truth” is an eye opener. It grabs the viewers’ attention and starkly portrays the causes and effects of global warming. It puts the consequences of our actions into a larger perspective. I found Al Gore’s presentation extremely convincing for numerous reasons. Firstly, he uses humor to engage the audience and once he has their attention he foccuses on the pressing issue of global warming. Secondly, he uses a lot of examples to illustrate his point. Instead of lecturing that, “Temperatures are rising, we should stop it.” He uses vivid examples and graphic illustrations of the destruction of our planet and of life as we know it if we do not stop this relentless emission of green house gases. This tactic effectively drives the message home. For instance, an image that is embedded in my head is the thought of my hometown Mumbai disappearing from the face of this planet because of the rising sea levels. His movie elevates the concept of global warming from a text- book lesson to one that will directly impact each and every one of us. He personalizes the issue. Lastly, all his statements are backed up by graphs, statistics, and hard evidence, which makes the viewer believe in his truth and forces people to listen to his message. The objective of his movie was to draw attention to a truth which everyone is aware of,but one which is tucked away in a corner. Simply because as he puts it,it is an” Inconvenient truth”. The audience is drawn into...

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