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Corruption in Vietnam


Submitted By frsniper4
Words 1562
Pages 7
Matthew Barnett
Corruption in Vietnam
International Marketing
December 31, 2015

1. List all the different types of bribes, payments, or favors represented in this case under (a) FCPA, (b) Criminal Law of PRC, and (c) Law against Unfair Competition of the PRC. Why is each either legal or illegal?

In this case we learn of different types of payments and bribes they use to go around the law. One type of bribe is a cash payment which is illegal. A cash payment is funding something by throwing cash at them making do illegal action. Another type of favor is is black markets. Black markets are a way of engaging in transactions to gain a competitive advantage on import and export goods. Another favor is gifts. Gifts are illegal, and under PRC gifts that are valued over 600 are very illegal. Gifts that are under 600 are legal but the laws are very vague. Examples of this were a business trip to a see a country which could be illegal because unless you are there on business they are paying for you to go somewhere just to hang out. Another of example in the text was the purchase of black market licenses and certificated, this is very illegal and making a blatant attempt to get around the law. Under the FCPA they were taking bribes to low officials to expedite jobs. The PRC is a law aimed toward commercial bribery, and aimed at giving money or property to customers. These laws and rules were put into place to help governments from doing bad business; most of these are very illegal and can lend you into big trouble in the end. (Corruption in Vietnam pg.1)

2. For those practices that you listed as illegal, classify each as lubrication, extortion, or subornation, and explain your reasoning.

Subornation is illegal practice of bribery. It involves a large payment via a service or gift given to a top official. This is to make the official look the

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