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Cost Of Higher Education Essay

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Most people dream of attending college, earning a degree, having a successful career, and a excellent lifestyle; however, for most Americans, this dream seems almost impossible. Because Americans have not received enlightened education about financial responsibility, students are taking out large loans to pay for their education, unaware of what is ahead of them. The cost of higher education is driving Americans into debt. Financial classes should be available in all high schools, in order to best assist and guide all students in upcoming situations. Taking a better look into this idea, there are no financial advice classes in high school to help students; in fact most students have to way until they make it to college, to have access to those classes, that is if they even take it at all. Expert argues that “high school students should be required to take courses in economics and personal finance” (Young people in debt). When it comes to paying for college, not everyone is ready or is eligible for financial aid. According to FAFSA to be eligible to receive federal student aid, students or their guardian must be a U.S citizen, have a high school diploma or GED, maintain …show more content…
Expert Draut Strapped told USA Today, “This debt-for-diploma system is strangling our young people right when they're starting out in life.... It's creating a sense of futility that no matter what they do, they're not going to be able to get ahead." (Young People in Debt). The job market keeps getting tighter every day, students are not able to find jobs in their career field, some are not able to find jobs at all, with the high cost of living and having numerous bills to pay for they end up maxing out credit cards, which is only leading them into deeper debt. As a result of the post college debt many Americans delay on buying cars, homes, or even starting

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