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Create Your Own Chapter


Submitted By taylormerlot
Words 331
Pages 2
The lights were violently bright. Too bright for eyes that, for the past 12 hours, had been subjected to the smokey, dim-lighting of a scuzzy bar or drunk sleep. Waking up at 4:30AM isnt Taylor's idea of a good time, especially when she had just crawled into bed at 4:03AM, but the job helps maintain the wild-child lifestyle that she had grown accustomed to. "Fucking kill me", she huffed, pissed that her co-worker had turned on the lights. She thought to herself, "Just make it through the day Taylor. You only have to be here until 12:30. Once the interns get here, freedom will be yours...You can do it."

Work for Taylor, isnt what most people would call work. She works for EVP, Elite Vision Productions, a social events company that was created by a sorority sister-turned-stripper who got tired of the stage rotation and meth-addicted coworkers. As an Executive Event Coordinator (an inflated title, with inflated pay), Taylor was considered to be pretty high up on the chain of command. She managed 10 people, 3 interns and had keys to the building. Yet there were still quite a few people above her, which, at this point in time, she was ok with.

There are two offices for Elite Vision Productions in sunny California. Standing at 4 stories tall on X Ave in Beverly Hills, CA, the headquarters of EVP is a reconstructed warehouse, looking like it would fit better in some hipster infested district in New York City, than in the glossy glamour of LA. The look of the building is that of a steel prison, cold and unwelcoming to those who go through its 12 foot double doors. Stepping through the doors is like stepping into another world. Although the outside of the building is in a quiet neighborhood with little traffic, inside EVP is running on a 24/7, 365 day schedule. There is always someone there,

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