Premium Essay

The Seven Steps Effective Planning for Managers


Submitted By mrryussof
Words 1193
Pages 5
Question 1:

Explain the SEVEN (7) steps in a planning process that a manager should follow ensure effective planning.
(20 marks)

Planning defines forethought and forecasting. The seven steps in a planning process that a manager or any manager should follow in ensuring effective planning are:

First every planning must have a goal setting. Plans are mean to achieve ends or objectives. Objectives must be clear, specific and informative . The tools are 1.Mind map and 2. Smart which stands for specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time bound .

Second, developing the planning premises. The assumptions and conditions must be clearly defined: tools and decision table.

Third, reviewing limitations which are:

Constraints or limitations


Human resources




Tools: SWOT Analysis. The most renowned tool for audit and analysis of overall strategic position of the business and its environment. It key purpose is to identify the strategies that will create a firm specific business model that will best align an organization’s resources and capacities.

Strategy . The plan of action designed to achieved a specific goal. Then gaining or being prepared to gain a position of advantage over adversaries or best exploiting emerging possibilities. The strategic planning process they include: Mission and objectives, environmental scanning, strategy implementation and evaluation.

Environmental scan that includes internal analysis of the firm and analysis of the firm’s industry (task environment).

Task environment is the segment of external environment made up of specific outside elements the manager and its organization interfaces in the course of conducting the business. They include: customer & clients, competitors, suppliers, labor supply and government agencies

External macro environment (PEST or

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