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Cult Of Domesticity

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Belief in the Cult of Domesticity by many men resulted in many women staying in the private sphere unwillingly, unequal pay compared to similar jobs done by men, and few socially acceptable career options for women, causing them to fight these injustices legally in courts and participating in strikes and protests. On average, women received inferior education when compared to men, which prevented many women from becoming skilled workers; therefore, women claimed that the education system needed reforms due to the lack of equality. As a significant Antebellum reform movement, abolitionism attracted many women, which in turn caused them to reflect upon their own similarities with slaves and encouraged themselves to combat the social transgression …show more content…
Politically, women sought after suffrage, claiming taxation without representation just as the colonists had done in the 18th century towards Great Britain. In the early to mid-19th century, many factors contributed to the formation of the women’s rights movement including the Cult of Domesticity, education, abolition, marriage, and politics. Belief in the Cult of Domesticity by many men resulted in many women staying in the private sphere unwillingly, unequal pay compared to similar jobs done by men, and few socially acceptable career options for women, causing them to fight these injustices legally in courts and participating in strikes and protests. Many men and even women upheld the idea of the Cult of Domesticity, which women stayed in the private sphere and kept the house and children while the men stepped out into the public sphere and worked in order to support the family. In 1846, Eliza Farnham quoted a man stating, “I calculate ‘tain’t of much account to have a woman if she ain’t of no use.” (Doc G), proving that many men had the mentality that women had to be of some use at home, otherwise known as the Cult of Domesticity. Not only does this mentality force women to work at home, but it prevents them from taking many jobs …show more content…
Belief in the Cult of Domesticity by many men resulted in many women staying in the private sphere unwillingly, unequal pay compared to similar jobs done by men, and few socially acceptable career options for women, causing them to fight these injustices legally in courts and participating in strikes and protests. On average, women received inferior education when compared to men, which prevented many women from becoming skilled workers; therefore, women claimed that the education system needed reforms due to the lack of equality. As a significant Antebellum reform movement, abolitionism attracted many women, which in turn caused them to reflect upon their own similarities with slaves and encouraged themselves to combat the social transgression against them. Marriage resulted in the woman becoming the man’s property, where they had no rights or privileges; consequently, women began to question their lack of freedom in the supposedly democratic nation of the United States. Politically, women sought after suffrage, claiming taxation without representation just as the colonists had done in the 18th century towards Great

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