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Deaf Culture And Communication Case Study

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1. As humans we have inherent need to belong and to be able to communicate with others who have similar interests, values and beliefs, we create communities around these shared interests, values and beliefs. This is why I believe Deaf culture has come about as Deaf people within the wider community have formed their own communities based on a shared understanding of the challenges faced by those with hearing loss in a world that is predominately geared to hearing people. Deaf culture is the way in which the Deaf community connects with each other allowing them to share their experiences with each other and also those who are not a part of the Deaf community. As seen in the video it is often easier for a Deaf person to communicate with other Deaf people then it is for Deaf people to communicate with non-deaf people. Deaf people have their own language called Auslan and even if they do not use this to communicate they understand the need to make sure they gain the …show more content…
All humans have a need to belong and form communities of like-minded people. Friendships are made of people who share the same morals and ethics. Most of us communicate verbally, with ease, not so our deaf community. The deaf community do not have that ease of communication via a “hearing world”.
The social bond that makes a community is not just shared by values and ethics but a commonality that “makes us distinct from the rest’. Our deaf community form a culture of people who can communicate with ease through their own language (Auslan), without pre conception, and a true emphasis of ‘I really understand…(and) your situation’.
Other are other adaptations that our deaf community have adapted to that hearing people need to consciously think about when communicating with a deaf person such as; lip reading, speaking clearly, not yelling, and simple questions that are not patronising but form a basis of mutual respect, and therefore a way to

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