Premium Essay

Diet Analysis


Submitted By napookala
Words 314
Pages 2
I feel that my strength in this project was losing weight by means of energy intake, which was less than energy expended. My kilocalorie intake was 1867.19 per day by following a nutritious diet and exercising. My food intake consume was timely. I feel that I exercised more and ate less a balance combining the two is the best method of weight loss that is burning 250 calories through exercise while also decreasing food intake by 250 calories.
I feel that this project was not easy to do and can add to a students’ stress level and is even harder when suffering from sleep deprivation. One must be very motivated, disciplined and patient have a weight loss plan, be able to follow specific and realistic daily and weekly goals, and be honest with one.
The areas I feel need major improvement would be sodium intake. According to my Intake and DRI goals, sodium intake exceeds DRI. Ways to improve this would be to one. Choose frozen entrees with the lowest amount of sodium (aim for less than 800 mg per entree). 2. Buy unsalted crackers and low fat chips (aim for less than 250 mg/serving for crackers and less than 350 mg for low fat chips). 3. Most important always read food labels to determine the amount of sodium per serving.
My enhanced plan is a well balanced diet; each meal should consist of the proper balance of protein, carbohydrates and fat. Simply eat equal portion of each. For instance 3oz. of protein for every meal, 3 oz of carbohydrates and 3 oz of fat for that meal as well. Drink plenty of water throughout the day; at least five 8oz. glasses. I will begin to drink water at least one hour before mealtime. I will try to keep a food diary. This will serve a purpose for accountability and

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