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Submitted By msonny89
Words 2381
Pages 10
Karl Friedrich Schinkel

Arkitekti gjerman, piktori dhe dizenjuesi Karl Friedrich Schinkel (1781-1841) ka qene nje nder arkitektet me te rendesishem dhe me influence te kohes se tije.
Karl Friedrich Schinkel u lind me 13 mars, 1781 ne Neuruppin, ne perendim te Berlinit. Familja e tij levizi ne kryeqytetin Prussian ne 1794. I inspiruar nga projekti i Friedrich Gillit ne 1796 per nje monument per Frederick II ( Fredericku madh ). Schinkel ka udhetuar ne Itali dhe ne France (1803-1804). Ai u be nje piktor i peisazheve romantike dhe panoramave ( Qyteti i Medieval prane ujit, 1813) dhe seti (Magic Flute, 1815). Ne 1813 ai dizenjoi “Iron Cross”, graden me te larte ushtarake gjermane. Ne 1915 Frederick William III e caktoi ate si arkitektin e shtetit Prusian.

Megjithese Schinkel ka dizenjuar ndertesa te rendesishme edhe per qytete te tjera pervec Berlinit si psh kisha e St. Nikolasit ne Potsdam (1826-1837) dhe “Guard House” ne Dresden 1833, punet e tij me te medha u zgjodhen ne kryeqytet. Ne fakt, ai ridisenjoi monumentin ne qender te qytetit dhe perpara shkaterrimit te tij gjate luftes se dyte boterore eshte thene qe ai qe njifte berlinin njihte edhe Schinkel. Ndertesa e tij e pare ishte shtepija mbreterore e mbrojtjes (Neue Wacht-Gebäude) ne Unter den Linden (1816). Nje bllok guri me portik Dorik, ishin kto qe e quajten Schinkel si nje mjeshter i formave Neo-Greke.

Riorganizimi i Lustgarten ( tani Marx-Engels-platz), nje shesh ne lindje te Unter den Linden, perball Pallatit Royal (tani nuk eshte me), zuri vemendjen e arkitekteve gjate viteve 1920. Ai rimodeloj katedralen ne lindje, por puna e tij me e madhe ishte nje museum (tani Altes Museum ) ne te kundert te pallatit ( dizenjuar ne vitet 1822 dhe mbaruar ne 1930) Nje bllok i ulet me nje rotonde qendrore per skulpturat dhe te rrethuara nga galeri per pikturat. Muzeumi permbyllte pjesen veriore te katrorit me nje rresht prej 18 kollonash madheshtore Ionike. Museumi ishte kryevepra e Schinkel , nje nga monumentet me principal te Europes neoklasiciste dhe nje hapesire e vazhdueshme frymezimi per arkitektet me orientim klasik te shekullt te 20, sic ishte Ludwig Mies Van der Rohe.

Ndertesat e tjera te medha tek Schinkel ne Berlin tregojne varietetin e punes se tij. Teatri (Schauspielhaus) ne Gendarmenmarkt ( 1818,1945) qendronte mbi nje podium me portik Ionian ne kontrast me krahet e ulet te sheshte. E gjitha e dekoruar nga pedimente te pasuruara me skulptura.
Monumenti ndaj mbrojtjes se Napoleonit i cili vazhdon te qendroje ne Kreuzberg eshte nje pune Gotike e dizenjuar ne 1818 dhe u mbarua ne 1821. Ndersa per kishen e Friedrich Werder ne Lustgarten, Schinkel dergoi disa dizenjo alternative, nje klasike dhe nje medievale; por kisha ekzistuese e perfundur ne 1831 eshte Neo-Gotike.

Edhe shkolla e arkitektures (bauakademie) ne lumin Spree afer Lustgarten (1831-1835, por e shkaterruar “demoluar”) ishte nje karakterisitke e puneve te mevonshme te Schinkel. Nje bllok i thjeshte me nje eksterior tulle te kuqe te pazakonte per periudhen si dhe fasade te drejte gje qe ishin inovative per kohen. Ishte nje deklarate e struktures dhe afrimit pa perfshire detajet historike.
Schinkel u caktua profesor i arkitektures ne akademi gjate viteve 1820, dhe besohet qe influenca e tij vazhdoi tek studentet e tij edhe per shume kohe pas vdekjes se tij. Ai vdiq ne Berlin ne 9 tetor te vitit 1841.

Karl Friedrich SchinkelMuzeu Altes
Berlin Germany

Muzeu Altes eshte nje nga muzet me te njohur ne bote ndodhet ne Brelin , Gjermani . Qe pas restaurimit ne 1966 esht kthyer nje nje qender te grumbullimit te sendeve antike teshtetiT gjerman .
Muzeu u projektua nga arkitektiKarl Friedrich Schinkel dhe u ndertua ne vitet 1823-1830 ne stilin neoklasik . Ndertimi i muzeut i projektuar nga Schinkel ishte dhe maja e karieres se tij . Der ne vitin 1945 quhej muzeu mbreteror .
Me 1999 Muzeu Altes u caktua si trashigimi kulturore boterore dhe u mbrojt nga UNESKO .

Muzeu Altes 1830 .

Schnikel ishte i njohur per kohen gjate koehq qe ai duhet te projektonte muzeun ai u ndikua dhe nga mbreti i gjermanis se asja kohen mbretit Friedrich Wilhelm IV i cili kishte deshirouar gjithmone nje ndertese te rende dhe te ndikuar nga lashtesia .

Schinkel i dergoi nje skice me laps mbretit nje salle te madhe te stolisur me nje protik klasik . Ai e planifikon dhe e interkorporon muzeun ne nje asambel ndertesash te cilat e rrethojne , kishte zhvilluar plane per muzeun si fillim ne 1822 -1823 por ndertimi i saj nuk kishte filluar der ne 1825 dhe perfundoi me 1828 dhe u peruruara me 3 gusht 1830. Schinkel ishte pergjgjes gjithashtu dhe per rinovimin ne stilin neo-klasik te Dom Berliner qe ishte ne sitilin barok .Me 1845 muzeu i mbretit u riemerua me emrin Altes qe mban sot e kesaj dite .

Planimetrite te muzeut Altes

Muzeu Altes frymzohet dhe mer shum nga shetitorja greke dhe nga arkitektura klasike
Muzeun zhvillohet nga fasada ballore kryesore e cila ka 18 kolona ne stilin jonik te cilat shtrihen ne nje gjatesi prej 87 m mbi secilen prej tyre qendron nje shqiponje . Siper kolonave shkruhet
3 fasadat e tjera jane te ndertuara me tulla dhe gur

Planet origjinale te projektuara nga Schinkel ne fasaden ballore vendoseshin dy statuja kryesore te cilat nuk u vendosen menjeher por vetem ne vitin 1861 Ne statuje tregohet nje njeri i hypurmbi kale duke luftuarme nje luan te cilin po e vret

Trupi dhe bazamenti i nderteses dykateshe ishte vendosur mjaf mir dhe ngritur nga bazamenti i ishullit i cili kishtepasur probleme nte te kaluaren me permbytejt . Lumi prane i jepte arktietktitmundesin per ta rigjeneruar ishullin perndertimin e urave rrugeve etj . Ndertimi i kupoles sipas Panteonit romak nenvizoi dimensione kishtare si tempull te artit .

Muzeu nuk u projektua per tekonkuraur me kupole si ato tekatetraleve per kete arsye u mbulua menje katror te vendosur siper saj

Pamje te interierit

Pamje te kupoles

Pamja e jashteme e kupoles

Fasada me kolonada klasike . Tipike per zhvillimin e tipologjive te muzeve ne stilin neoklasik .

Struktura e fasades e realizuar ne muzeun
Schinkel rrjedh nga shprehja e elementeve vertikal si kolona qe qendrojne te lira te vendosura brenda nje kornize te ngushte qe realizohet nga fundet e mureve,bazes dhe catise.

Fasade ballore

Fundi i fasades me mure ne vend te kolonave dhe perdorimi i i mekanizmit klasik te hapesires fundore lejon qe kolona te perce- ptohet si untitet ,njesoj si te shikosh pyllin para pemeve.Per me teper ,nje rresht kolonash te

Pamje e fasades naten

vendosura para nje muri gjithmone krijon nje marredhenie figure-terren.
Nderkohe qe kolonat luajne rolin me te dukshem te figurave,hapesira ndermjet tyremund te jete po aq efektive .

Fasada ballore pamje nga afer
Fjalet e krijuesit

Mendja jone nuk eshte e lire per sa kohe qe nuk eshte zoteruese e imagjinates.liria e mendjes eshte nje manifest ne cdo fitore mbi vete,ne cdo qendrese nga joshjet e jashtme,ne cdo eliminim te pengesave per kete qellim.cdo moment lirie eshte i bekuar. .vendi kerkonte nje ndertese shume monumentale .prandaj une preferova nje rregull gjigant ne vend te ty qendrimeve individuale per dy historite...ndertesa u rrethua nga te gjitha anet me kolona Joniane,me pilastra jonike ne kater cepat qe krijuan nje strukture qedrore te thjeshte por sh te rendesishme ne te cilen une vendosen dy katet ne nje menyre te nderfutur

Prerje terthore e muzeut

Fasade anesore

Ludwig Mies van der Rohe

Mies lindi ne Aachen,Mbreteria e Prusise me 27 mars, 1886. AI punoi me te atin,ne nje dyqan per gur gdhendje dhe ne disa firma lokale te dizanjit para se ai te shkonte ne Berlin,ku iu bashkua zyres per interior dizanjer Bruno Paul. Ai filloi karrieren e tij arkitekturore si nje nxenes ne studion e Peter Behrens nga viti 1908-1912,ku u ekspozua ne teorite aktuale te projektimit dhe kultures progressive gjermane, duke punuar se bashku me Walter Gropius dhe Le Corbusier, te cilet me vone u perfshine dhe ne zhvillimin e Bauhaus. Mies punoi si nje menaxher ndertimi I Ambasades Gjermane ne Shen Petersburg nen Behrens. Talenti I tij u njoh shpejt dhe ai filloi komisione te pavarura,pavarsisht mungeses se tij te nivelit te arsimit.Nje njeri I imponuar fizikisht,I kujdesshem dhe fjalepake, Ludwig Mies u trasformua nga I biri I te atit tregtar ne nje arkitekt I cili punon me eliten kulturore te Berlinit.
Nen ndikimin e Behrens,Mies zhvilloi nje qasje te projektimit te bazuar ne teknikat e avancuara strukturore dhe klasicizmit Prusian. Ai huazoi nga posti dhe ndertimi I Karl Friedrich Schinkel, per dizenjimet e tij ne celik dhe xham.
Mies punoi me revisten G e cila filloi ne korrik te vitit 1923. Ai dha kontribute te medha per filozofite arkitekturore te viteve 1920 – 1930 si drejtor artistic I Werkbund e sponsorizuar Weissenhof dhe si nje drejtor I Bauhaus.
I famshem per thenien e tij “less is more”, Mies u perpoq per te krujuar contemplative,hapeire neutral permes nje arkitekture te bazuar ne ndershmeri dhe integritet strukturor.Gate 20 viteve te fundit te jetes se tij, Mies arrit vizionin e tij f a monumental 'skin and bone' architecture. Veprat e tij me vone iu dedikuan idese se arkitektures universale dhe arkitekures se thjeshtuar.

Mies van der Rohe Ludwig ishte njohur me se miri per format e tij drejtvizore,te hartuara me thjeshtesi dhe elegance eshte nje shembull I stilit nderkombetar te arkitektures.Ai u perqendrua ne strukturen dhe ndertimin. Mies van der Rohe Ludwig kryesisht ndoqi konceptin “funksioni ndjek formen” sepse per te funksioni I nderteses ndryshon me kohen ,keshtu qe ai preferoi te krijoi nje hapesire universale apo ne dhome ne ndertesat e tij. Ai krijoi konceptin e hapesires universale me funksionin universal. Mies van der Rohe Ludwig filloi ne nje moshe mjafte te re,dhe ngadale ai zhvilloi aftesite e tij ne vizatimet lineare. Me vone Mies vendosi lidhje me nje shoqate artistesh dhe mjeshtrish ,ku inkurajoi “martesen mes artit dhe teknologjise”. Anetaret e kesaj shoqate parashikuan nje tradite te re te dizajnit e cila do I jepte forme dhe kuptim gjerave te bera me makine(aparatura), duke perfshire dhe ndertesat .Ky dizajn I ri dhe funksional per periudhen industriale beri qe te lindte Gesamkultur. Gesamkultur nje kulture e re universale ne nje mjedis krejtesisht te trasformuar te bere nga njeriu.Keto ide motivuan levizjen moderne ne arkitekture,te cilat cuan ne te ashtequajturin Stili Moderne Nderkombetar I Arkitektures.
Mies u ndikua nga Behrens, format e pasterta, te guximshme dhe te thjeshta Neoklasike. Ishte Schinkel ai I cili u be nje ndikim kyc ne kerkimin e Mieses per arkitekturen dhe Gesamkulturen.Nje person tjeter me ndikim ishte Hendrik Petrus Berlage,nje pioner I arkitektures moderne Holandeze. Puna e Berlages e frymezoi dashurine e Mieses per tullat, gjithashtu dhe filozofia e mjeshtrit Hollandez.
Mieses shkon me tej se kushdo tjeter duke bere aktuale me shume sesa te dukshme suportin e tij dhe karakterisatikat dominante ne ndertesat e tij.
Ndertesa The Friedrichstrasse Office,ishte nje nga propozimet e para per nje ndertim te plote celiku dhe xhami dhe themeloi parimin e Miesian per bones construction. The Glass Skyscraper aplikoi kete ide ne gradacelen prej xhami e cila kishte nje fasade trasparente, e cila shfaq strukturen prej celiku te nderteses. Te dyja keto dizenjime te ndertesave ishin te paperkulura ne thjeshtesine e tyre absolute. Studime te tjera teorike eksploruan potencialin e betonit dhe tulles ne ndertim, formes “de stijl” dhe konceptet e Frank Lloyd Wright. Disa ndertesa te pandertuara I tejkaluan ato ne shumellojshmerine e ideve dhe ne ndikimet e tyre per zhvillimin e arkitektures se kohes. Ndarjet e ndryshme arkitekturore ne vitet e para te pasluftes, shkrine tashme ne nje levizje te vetme ajo e stilit internacional. Edhe pse nuk ishte nje sukses, elita e Europes papritmas filloi te ndertoj vila modern. Ndoshta projekti me I famshem I Mieses I realizuar ne periudhen e luftrave ne Europe ishte Barcelona Pavilion, ai zbuloi nje sekuence te hapesirave te mrekullueshme dhe te medha me platform travertine, pjeserisht nen nje cati te holle, dhe te mbeshtetura nga kolona celiku te kromuara.
Mies vdiq ne Chicago, Illinois viti 1969.


Rreth viteve 1750 neoklasicizmi u be stili domint ne arkitekturen e te gjith hemisferes Perendimore. Levizja neoklasike u ngrit nga alternativat e rafineruara te stileve te barokut dhe rokoko’s. Per me teper, germime arkeologjike pergjat Europes ri prezantuan ketaje klasike te cilat u nenshtroheshin rregullave te vjetra te preznatura nga Greket dhe te vazhduara nga Romaket. Greket ishin si parashtruesit e demokracise dhe si pasoje frymezuan shume ne ndertimin e godinave neoklasike qeveritare ne shtetin e sapoformuar te Amerikes. Gjithashtu edhe strukturat klasike inspiruan institucione si banka te perdornin dizenjot neoklasike ne strukturat e tyre. Si rezultat, neoclassicism ka lulëzuar për 200 vjet si një simbol i idealizmit dhe antikitetit.


Rendi neoklasicizmit, simetria dhe imponimi i perdorimit te detajeve klasik, si dhe afeksioni per lashtesine, prodhuan nje sens monumentaliteti per strukturat neoklasike. Per kete arsye shume arkitekte dizenjojne ndertesa shteterore, edukative apo struktura bankash duke perdorur stilin neoklasik. Disa shembuj te arkitektures monumentale neoklasike perfshijne edhe Karl Friedrich Schinkel me Schauspielhaus ne Berlin, Gjermani.


Perdorimi strikt i rendit klasik dhe i kursimit ne ngjyra thjeshtesojne dezignin arkitekturor neoklasikm, sesa ta nderlikojne ate ne forma arkitketurore, eksperiment dinamike dhe arkitekturen baroke. Thjeshtesia dhe klasicizmi konjurojne imazhe idealistike te demokracise puro te Greqise, kshuqe shum ndertesa te qeverise se re te Shteteve te bashkuara te amerikes kan perdorur neoklasicizmin.

Ky stil besohet qe mund te kete dale nga kursimi i stilit te neoklasicizmit. Kshu qe shume arkitekt modern, perfshire Le Corbusier, Mies van der Rohe jane te njohur te kene rende te proporcioneve klasike dhe neoklasikal. Shume liva te Le Corbusier, si psh vila Stein kane proporcione klasike, te ndjekur nga raporte qe i perafrohen kuptimit te arte, afersisht 1.618, si rrenja katrore e 2, 2 tek 3 dhe 3 tek5. Mies van der Rohe ishte influencuar kryesisht nga Arkitekti Neoklasik Karl Friedrich Schinkel, dhe ajo influence mund te shihet ne shume pune te tija teper moderne, si Galeria Nacionale ne Berlin, gjermani.


Mies i jep arkitektures moderne, sensin e monumentalizmit te munguar ne pasqyrimin e arkitektures. Kshuqe ai gjeti relacionin perfekt midis tradites te Schinkel dhe supermatismit.

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...Doctor In kindergarten, my class was asked, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” Crayons danced across sheets of paper to illustrate our dream occupations. Our drawings were hung in the hallway for our parents to see at Back to School Night. I remember looking down the line and seeing pictures of ballerinas dancing, firefighters putting out a blaze, and astronauts leaping across the moon, careers that were seen as typical dreams of five year olds. My picture showed a girl throwing a ball in the air, being a professional athlete, but as you can see my point of view of my future has changed. Now I want to be doctor because I want to cure cancer and do the impossible by helping people and not just work out and play my whole life. A question could be asked like why choose to be a doctor and not a professional athlete, well I believe a doctor can make a change, inspire people, be a leader and etc. Being a doctor you have to be able to be a directive, supportive, coaching, and delegating leader. A directive leader finds aspects to positively acknowledge and give direction, and ensures that those under their management understand what is expected of them in which a doctor must do his or her colleagues or patients. He or she must be able to coaxes ideas from those working under them, listens and encourages, and keeps the decision making process collaborative by asking open questions. They also have to be capable to find topics to praise, lead with novel ideas, explain the rationale...

Words: 932 - Pages: 4

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...Northern Drilling Inc. Questions. Chapter 3 (External) 1. Does the industry offer attractive opportunities for growth? I believe that the industry does offer attractive opportunities for growth.Northern is a subsidiary of the worlds third largest exploration drilling contractor. In 2010 the exploration market worldwide was 10.68 billion and expected to increase. The exploration market in Canada was 1.4 Billion USD in 2010. The market is very cyclical and dependent on commodity prices yet is expected to increase over time.      2.  What kinds of competitive forces are industry members facing, and how strong is each force ? Rival Sellers:The industry is highly competitive and very fragmented.Canadian industry comprised about 80 drilling contractors, including many smaller owner operators with almost no overhead costs, these owner operators drive down industry prices by operating on relatively thin gross margins. Potential New Entrants: High start up costs, not likely to be too much of a threat. Customer Bargaining Power:This is a very price sensitive industry and customers shop around for the lowest price often.Northern was struggling to be competitive in the market. Problems may be because of the price relative to some of the commodity type drillers and owner operators Competition from Substitute products/Producers: See Rival Sellers. Low switching costs for customers. Supplier Bargaining Power: Low supplier bargaining power. From the information we know there...

Words: 2982 - Pages: 12

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...Fuck you okay….fldsahfkjdsahf adsjfhadskjfn ffsadffsd a fasd fasdf df dsf sadf sd f dsaf dsaf ads fsa df sf s fd sadf sad f dsfa f sad f sdf sd f sdf sd fsadf dsaf sd f sadf as df as df asd f sadf asdf dsf ads f dsf df sadf asd f d fsd f asdf a dsf ds f adsf dsa f dsaf sd gf h th ytj t wr wqre t yet jy jh fg j gf h j hkj hkj hl jj hkj hlk lh lkj ;lk jlk hlkj ;kj oh ikj nkn lknm, nkj hoi hj hj lhj h hj lk j kh , nl jl hjlk j lkj lkj kj nl nmlk n knsdfsdflknm odsfnoskdfmspodfm fmlkdsfmsdf on p fposfpoipsdfp poifpo ifpo ifpi pifpip isadp ifif ip ipofp idsp ipds ifpoi I idspo ip I ds if posa pifpo p poif ids I ipods ifpo aii podsif idsf sdfiif podsifpodspo ipo I if oifp pdso ififdpo pods fpodsfpoidsapof idspo Declare PCPrice, MonitorPrice, HDPrice, RAMPrice As Float Display a welcome message //Prompt for and input pc price: Write “Enter the pc price: “ Input PCPrice Call Monitor_Price module Call HD_Price module Call RAM_Price module End Program Monitor_Price Module This module displays a menu to allow the user to specify the type of monitor desired and then determines the cost of the monitor’s options as follows: Declare MonitorChoice as Character //Display the menu and input user selection: Write “1 – 17-inch monitor” Write “2 – 18.5-inch monitor” Write “3 – 19-inch monitor” Input MonitorChoice Determine the cost of the selected option as...

Words: 268 - Pages: 2

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...To summarize, the balanced scorecard views the mission and strategy of the organization from four perspectives: • The business owners/shareholders (represented by the Financial perspective) • Customers and other stakeholders (represented by the Customer perspective) • Managers and process owners (represented by the Internal Business Processes perspective) • Employees and infrastructure capacity (represented by the Learning and Growth perspective) Within each perspective, the following elements are developed: • Strategic Objectives - what is the process that will be used to define strategic objectives and what are the strategic objectives that should be achieved using each perspective? • Measures - how will progress for each objective be measured? • Targets - what is the target value sought for each measure? • Initiatives or action plans - what will be done to facilitate the reaching of the targets? Why does all this matter? Well, the basic reason is that everything is connected to everything else, even though policies may be created by people in widely different corporate units; those connections are often full of unintended consequences. Here’s a classic example of the complications of integrating marketing strategy with human resource strategy. At one point, Proctor and Gamble had product managers who were paid based on how well their products performed. It sounded like a pretty good human resource strategy. Thinking about people as an investment and paying them using...

Words: 920 - Pages: 4

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...Original Article Evaluation of initial stability and crestal bone loss in immediate implant placement: An in vivo study Durga Prasad Tadi, Soujanya Pinisetti1, Mahalakshmi Gujjalapudi2, Sampath Kakaraparthi3, Balaram Kolasani4, Sri Harsha Babu Vadapalli Department of Prosthodontics and Crown and Bridge, 1Oral Pathology and Microbiology, Drs. S and NR Siddhartha Institute of Dental Sciences, Chinaoutpally, Gannavaram, 2Department of Prosthodontics and Crown and Bridge, 4Department of Prosthodontics and Crown and Bridge, Dental Surgeon, Government Dental College and Hospital, Gunadala, Vijayawada, 3Department of Prosthodontics and Crown and Bridge, SIBAR Institute of Dental Sciences, Takkellapadu, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India Corresponding author (e‑mail: ) Prof. Durga Prasad Tadi, Department of Prosthodontics and Crown and Bridge, Drs. Sudha and Nageswara Rao Siddhartha Institute of Dental Sciences, Chinaoutpally, Gannavaram ‑ 521 101, Andhra Pradesh, India. Abstract Objectives: (1) To measure the crestal bone levels around implants immediately, and one month, three months, and six months after immediate implant placement, to evaluate the amount of bone level changes in six months. (2) To measure the initial stability in immediate implant placement. Materials and Methods: Ten patients were selected and a total of ten implants were placed in the immediate extraction sites. The change in the level of crestal bone was measured on standardized digital periapical radiographs...

Words: 3382 - Pages: 14

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...Beheermaatreëls vir Buite Kroeë Castle Lager-laan Voorraadbeheer       -     Stelsel: Bar word vorige aand volledig gestock Lofti, barhulp en skoonmaker.       Jacques mbv stocklys herbevestig en vul in, voeg by dag se geantisipeerde             voorraad vroegoggend – begin voorraad.                    Kroegkaptein voorraad aanvra: Faktuurboekie  * Lofti en Jacques se voorraadlys + Spanleier se faktuurboekie – voorraad verkope (till se volledige printout) = bepaalde geldwaarde (moet balanseer met Till slip en kontant ontvang nadat geld getel is)  Voorraad aanvra:  1. Kroegkaptein moet te alle tye groen faktuurboekie invul vir voorraadbestelling. 2. Gee afskrif van ingevulde faktuurboekie vir barhulp wat voorraad gaan haal by Jacques (dagskof) en Lofti (nagskof)            3. of  SMS bestelling – Nieteenstaande moet ‘n afskrif van handgeskrewe faktuurboekie bestelling steeds aan Jacques/Lofti oorhandig word. Algemene bedryf van Bar: 1. As sterkdrank + 1 of 2 tots mix slegs in 350ml glase 2. 500ml glase slegs vir draught bier 3. Geldnote met gesig na bo en in dieselfde rigting geplaas word.  4. Barpersoneel hou kroegtoonbank self skoon en netjies. 5. Kroegkaptein gee oopdrag aan skoonmaker en pakker tov netheid van tafels, vloer, kroeg, asook draughtmasjien se ysbank) 6. Plaas voortdurend druk op skoonmaker en rapporteer onmiddelik aan Byron/Jacques / George & Albert indien pakker of skoonmaker laks is. 7. Yskaste...

Words: 758 - Pages: 4

Premium Essay


...Accounting is the most basic framework of business. People use accounting in their daily lives when they study financial statements to make investment decisions, assess interest rather to pay off their house mortgage and calculate rates for car payments. God himself recognize accounting, for he said in his Holy Bible that everyone would be accountable before him when this world comes to an end.(Matthew 12:36) The practice of accounting can be traced back to ancient times, with "accounting books" of various forms discovered as early as 3500 B. C. From the time of 3500 B. C., accounting has progressed slowly through the development of the modern double-entry system published by Luca Paciolo in the fifteenth century until the advent of the computer. In 1581 the first college of accountants was organized with power to regulate entry into the field. Along with the development of modern accounting, a stereotypical image of the accountant was developed, because of its task being routine and purity mathematical in function. The accountant is view as a dull person that is chain to his desk all day. A survey of college students proved that accounting is treated with mental formulaic concepts, thus it has a stereotype image. Accounting may be defined as an information system that provides reports to various individuals or groups about economic activities of an organization or other entity. Accounting is information sciences used to collect, classify, and manipulate financial data for...

Words: 477 - Pages: 2