Premium Essay

Eating Habit


Submitted By jontezi
Words 1067
Pages 5
Why do people eat? People eat to survive. Food people eat gives their bodies the energy they need to function. Eating, as a daily activity, is done so many times that could form some eating habits. People say that the current eating habits of a person reflect all of his childhood’s comestible way. Eating habits are a part of a person’s characteristics and an unchanged process over the time. However, I think this concept is not applicable in my case. In my childhood, I always took away any green leaves in my bowl and recognized them as the horrible ingredients. I also ignored the spicy meals which burned my tongue and the tasteless frozen food as all kids did. However, over the time I definitely changed my edible pattern from a child with appreciating vegetables, enjoying spicy taste, and adapting frozen meals.
First, my eating habits have been changed from a leafless eater to a green vegetable fan. When I was young, my mom always cooked Pho for me and my father in two separated way. For my dad, my mom made him a large bowl of Vietnamese style beef noodle with all the herb ingredients and fresh vegetable. For me and my little brother, my mom made others bowls without any vegetable element. I recalled she served me the unique Pho with only thick noodle, sliced chicken meat and hot brown soup. My grandma always kept complaining to her about my unhealthy carnivorous diet, but my mom couldn’t tolerate her children eat food they disliked. For such a long time until I became high school student. When I recognized the vegetable’s role to my health from school and experiences, I started to change my attitude with green food. As an adult, I tried to taste the green vegetable and fruit which I disliked before to be healthy. Now, if my mom serves her Pho without green onions, yellow onions, parsley, and bean sprouts, I couldn’t enjoy the graceful flavor of her

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