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Eating Meat Ethics

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Has there ever been a time in your life were you question if your truly right minded by eating and/or enjoying meat? Knowing that you have contributed to the slaughter of an innocent animal all because of your self-centered desires? Then your most likely a righteous person.I know i've certainly asked the question before,but what is truly the best answer? In my opinion the best choice is that eating meat is totally ethical.
First of all,eating meat is very common in nature,it's seen just about everywhere.Creatures that eat meat,carnivores,have the raw instinct to eat other animals.These creatures include coyotes,ferrets,weasels,lions,bobcats,hyenas and many other species.Some of which eat the exact same things we eat,for example,wolves and grizzly bears eat cows and chickens are eaten by bobcats,raccoons and foxes.Although animals do eat other animals it doesn't humans should do the same.People have demonstrated that you can live a life without eating meat but it isn't as easy and effective as just killing another animal to survive.Also,some people physically can't find any other sources of protein in places that are destitute or poverty ridden so sometimes the only option is feeding off animals.

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