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Effects of Globalization in Education


Submitted By reynard
Words 326
Pages 2
Effects of globalization in education
Nowadays no one can ignore the importance of education to society. Education is a tool that will allow people to achieve every goal they set for their lives. Learning opens doors to a great world of possibilities that will most likely lead to success. People who are not fortune enough to receive a formal education will have to face a road full of difficulties throughout their lives. It is not a secret that the more education people have, the better standard of living they will enjoy. Globalization has brought an innumerable amount of positive and negative changes to the world. One of those aspects that has been affected by those changes is, without any doubt, education. Globalization has more positive than negative effects in education and the way it is delivered in both developed and developing countries. One positive effect that globalization has brought to education is the fast development in educational technology. A massive technological impact can be observed when comparing today’s classrooms and classrooms from some years ago. This impact is transforming the way the students learn and is equipping them with a variety of skills to confront a competitive global market that is demanding workers that are prepared to assume roles according to the organization’s requirements. Day by day we can see how vanguard technology is entering the classrooms. Smart boards, laptops, NEOs, video projection screens, on-line libraries, and classroom performance systems are some of the tools that students have access to and that enable them to explore and acquire all knowledge and skills necessary to compete in this global world. My experience as an elementary teacher allows me to state that students are more motivated to learn when there is a high use of technology in the classroom. Teachers cannot be indifferent to the fact

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