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English 103 Essay 1 Assignment


Submitted By ssul11
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English 103 Essay 1 Assignment

Hospital statistics regarding people who go to the emergency room after rollerskating accidents indicate the need for more protective equipment. Within this group of people, 75 percent of those who had accidents in streets or parking lots were not wearing any protective clothing (helmets, knee pads, etc.) or any light-reflecting material (clip-on lights, glow-in-the-dark wrist pads, etc.). Clearly, these statistics indicate that by investing in high-quality protective gear and reflective equipment, rollerskaters will greatly reduce their risk of being severely injured in an accident.
Writing Task:
How well reasoned and convincing is this argument? In explaining your point of view, be sure to analyze the conclusion, the line of reasoning, and the use of evidence in the argument. Also discuss what, if anything, would make the argument more sound and persuasive or would help readers better evaluate its conclusion.
2-3 pages typed, double-spaced
Use Times New Roman 12 point font, 1” margins.
Submit your essay to and print out the Originality Report to bring to class on Monday (if possible) or Wednesday (at the latest).
Also bring in two copies of your final draft to class: one for me; one for peer review. I will put the essay assignment and peer review sheet on MyGateway. I think that looking over the peer review sheet will give you some good ideas as to how to write your essay.
• The key to this essay is to ask whether the conclusion the argument comes to is supported by the logic and evidence provided. Also to evaluate the assumptions the writer makes and analyze whether these are acceptable or questionable.

• You do not need to do ANY research to write this essay. MAYBE research would give you some ideas about how to analyze the argument. Only do research if you are stuck

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