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Epidemiology Paper


Submitted By kessy4real
Words 2100
Pages 9
Epidemiology Paper
Monica Okoro
Nur/408 Epidemiology: Global and Public Health
September 10, 2012
Diane Campbell, DNP - PHN, FNP - BC

Epidemiology Paper

Public health nursing allows nurses to encounter various vulnerable populations on a daily basis. In particular, the elderly make up a large portion of the population, and their vulnerability to the environment and other physical factors is a very important aspect of public health nursing. Epidemiology allows the public health nurse to study and assess vulnerable populations, including the elderly, and create interventions that maximize the health potential of all members of the public. This paper will explore the role of epidemiology and also discuss the definition and purpose of epidemiology, epidemiological methods, the epidemiological triangle and levels of prevention that is related with influenza in the elderly community.
Definition and Description of Epidemiology
Originally, epidemiology was a term that was used to describe the spread of infectious disease. Over the course of time, that definition has expanded considerably in order to accommodate the complexity of ever-changing populations, their environments, and increasing occurrences of disease. Epidemiology is a branch of public health that studies of the frequency, distribution, and determinants of disease in human populations. It studies the patterns of diseases in human populations and how to control health problems associated with disease. The epidemiologist performs research on epidemics and diseases and can determine how and why certain diseases occur in certain places, and works to find solutions to prevent these diseases. Epidemiology is now defined as the multidisciplinary study of various states of health, causal factors, how these states of health are dispersed across a population, and ways in which the knowledge gained

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